Diagnostic(ID): Space exhausted for one or more of the following: DB, LOG, or instance directory.


The space assigned to the server database, the recovery log, or instance directory has been exhausted.

System action

The server terminates.

User response

Review the filesystems or other space assigned to the server for the database, recovery log or instance directory. If the space assigned to the database is full, restart the server and add additional database space using the EXTEND DBSPACE command or use the DSMSERV EXTEND DBSPACE utility. If the server ACTIVELOGDIR is full, update this server option to a new location that has space available for the server to use for logging changes to the database. If the server instance directory is full, remove unneeded files or else extend this filesystem.

Please note that the server should be configured with the database, activelog, and archivelogs using different directories and storage devices. For example, if the database and activelog are configured to use the same directory and underlying storage device, this may adversely impact performance. This may also compromise the server's ability to manage the database and active log space effectively. Similarly, the server's instance directory should also be monitored and managed with some amount of space available. The server instance directory is used to record and log some server and database actions.