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Restoring data using the GUI

This section lists the steps to follow to restore backup versions of individual files or subdirectories.


  1. Click Restore from the main window. The Restore window appears.
  2. Expand the directory tree. Select the selection boxes next to the files or directories you want to restore. To search or filter files, click the Find icon on the tool bar.
  3. Enter your search criteria in the Find Files (Restore) window.
  4. Click the Search button. The Matching Files (Restore) window appears.
  5. Click the selection boxes next to the files you want to restore and close the Matching Files (Restore) window.
  6. Enter your filter criteria in the Find Files (Restore) window.
  7. Click the Filter button. The Restore window displays the filtered files.
  8. Click the selection boxes next to the filtered files or directories you want to restore.
  9. To modify specific restore options, click the Options button. Any options you change are effective during the current session only.
  10. Click Restore. The Restore Destination window appears. Enter the information in the Restore Destination window.
  11. Click Restore. The Restore Task List window displays the restore processing status.


Note: On Mac OS X, consider the following items when restoring data using the GUI:
  1. When TSM Tools for Administrators is used to start the client, the client is running with a UID of zero. This means that if you create a folder to restore your files to, that folder is owned by root. To access the files you must change the permissions of the folder. You can change the folder owner from a terminal window using the sudo chown command. See your operating system documentation for more information on how to accomplish this.
  2. When restoring files with the replace option set to no, existing files will not be overwritten, but existing directories are overwritten. To leave existing directories intact during a restore operation, select the Options button ⇒ All selected files and directories dropdown menu ⇒ Files only option.
  3. When folders are restored from a UFS or HFSX file system to a HFS file system and they differ only in case, the client restores the contents of both folders to one folder.