IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, Version 7.1

MOVE NODEDATA (Move data by node in a sequential access storage pool)

Use this command to move data that is in a sequential-access storage pool. You can move data for one or more nodes, a group of file spaces, or for a group of collocated nodes. You can also move selected file spaces for a single node. The data can be in a primary storage pool, a copy storage pool, or an active-data pool.

This command is helpful for reducing the number of volume mounts during client restore or retrieve operations by consolidating data for a specific node within a storage pool, or to move data to another storage pool. For example, you can use this command for moving data to a random-access storage pool in preparation for client restore processing.

Ensure that the access mode of the volumes from which you are moving the node data is read/write or read-only and that the access mode of the volumes to which you are moving the node data is set to read/write. This operation will not move data on volumes with access modes of offsite, unavailable, or destroyed.

The MOVE NODEDATA command takes two forms, depending on whether you are moving data only for selected filespaces. The syntax and parameters for each form are defined separately.

Restriction: You cannot move node data into or out of a storage pool that is defined with a CENTERA device class.
Table 1. Commands related to MOVE NODEDATA
Command Description
CANCEL PROCESS Cancels a background server process.
COPY ACTIVEDATA Copies active backup data.
DEFINE COLLOCGROUP Defines a collocation group.
DEFINE COLLOCMEMBER Adds a client node or file space to a collocation group.
DELETE COLLOCGROUP Deletes a collocation group.
DELETE COLLOCMEMBER Deletes a client node or file space from a collocation group.
MOVE DATA Moves data from a specified storage pool volume to another storage pool volume.
QUERY ACTLOG Displays messages from the server activity log.
QUERY COLLOCGROUP Displays information about collocation groups.
QUERY FILESPACE Displays information about data in file spaces that belong to a client.
QUERY NODEDATA Displays information about the location and size of data for a client node.
QUERY OCCUPANCY Displays file space information by storage pool.
QUERY PROCESS Displays information about background processes.
QUERY STGPOOL Displays information about storage pools.
QUERY VOLUME Displays information about storage pool volumes.
UPDATE COLLOCGROUP Updates the description of a collocation group.
