Using the JCA local ECI resource adapter

The JCA local ECI resource adapter is provided with CICS® TS and invokes local CICS programs. This is an optimized path to migrate applications using the CICS Transaction Gateway ECI resource adapter into CICS Liberty.

The JCA local ECI resource adapter is used to connect to CICS programs, passing data in either COMMAREAs or channels and containers. The resource adapter is provided by the CICS Liberty feature.
Note: The JCA local ECI resource adapter and the CICS Transaction Gateway ECI resource adapter cannot be used in the same Liberty JVM server.

Table 1 shows the JCA objects corresponding to the CICS terms.

Table 1. CICS terms and corresponding JCA objects
CICS term JCA object: property
Abend code CICSTxnAbendException
Channel ECIChannelRecord, see Using the JCA local ECI resource adapter with channels and containers
Container with a data type of BIT byte[]
Container with a data type of CHAR String
Program name ECIInteractionSpec:FunctionName
Transaction ECIInteractionSpec:TPNName

For further details, see JCA local ECI support.