CSGM - “good morning” panel

By default, users of CICS see the “good morning” panel that is displayed when they log on to CICS as a VTAM application.

Figure 1. The CICS “good morning” panel
 . . . . . . This is where the good morning message appears. . . . . . . 12:56:28
                    ******\  ******\  ******\   ******\(R)
                   ********\ ******\ ********\ ********\
                   **\\\\**\   **\\\ **\\\\**\ **\\\\**\
                   **\    \\   **\   **\    \\ **\    \\
                   **\         **\   **\       *******\
                   **\         **\   **\        *******\
                   **\         **\   **\         \\\\**\
                   **\   **\   **\   **\   **\ **\   **\
                   ********\ ******\ ********\ ********\
                    ******\\ ******\  ******\\  ******\\
                     \\\\\\   \\\\\\   \\\\\\    \\\\\\ 

This panel is displayed by the CICS-supplied transaction, CSGM. Instead of using CSGM, you can specify your own transaction panel on the GMTRAN system initialization parameter.

Users can press the CLEAR key, then enter a transaction ID. Until the user signs on, any transaction runs under the default user ID that is defined by the DFLTUSER SIT parameter.

Users can sign on to CICS by using either the CESL or the CESN transaction.

Users can disconnect from CICS by using the CESF transaction with either the LOGOFF or GOODNIGHT option.