Change the status of a mode name.


You can use the SET MODENAME command to reset the connection to a remote system or to another CICS® region, change the number of sessions available, and acquire or close the sessions associated with the mode name.


Press the Clear key to clear the screen. You can start this transaction in two ways:
  • Type CEMT SET MODENAME (or suitable abbreviations for the keywords), followed by either (modename) or ALL. The resulting display lists the current status, similar to that obtained by using the CEMT INQUIRE MODENAME command. You can tab to the highlighted or blank fields and overtype them with the required values.
  • Type CEMT SET MODENAME (or suitable abbreviations for the keywords), followed by either (modename) or ALL, then followed by one or more attribute settings that you want to change. For example, cemt s mod(modename) acq causes CICS to acquire all the negotiated contention-winner sessions in the group named by modename.

Typing ? at the beginning of either the first or second line gives a syntax prompt. Resetting the values takes effect immediately.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramCEMT SET MODENAME( value)ALLCONNECTION( value)AVAILABLE( value)ACQUIREDCLOSED


Specifies one or more names (1 - 8 characters) of a group of sessions. Mode names do not need to be unique. You cannot specify a list of names, but you can use the asterisk (*) and plus (+) symbols to specify a family of mode names.
A mode name that consists of eight blanks is valid. To specify this name, enclose the string of blanks in single quotation marks, for example:
CICS is to acquire (or bind) all the negotiated contention-winner sessions in the group.
Specifies that any changes you request are done to all resources of the specified type that you are authorized to access.
Specifies the maximum number of sessions within the group that can be concurrently allocated for use. This value must be the same for both sides involved in the session.
CICS is to release all sessions in the group. The sessions are quiesced and unbound. No further sessions can be acquired by another CICS system. No further activity is possible on the sessions in the group until the group is reacquired by the same CICS system in which it has been closed.
Specifies an identifier (1 - 4 characters) defined for an IRC or ISC connection.