Change the attributes of named terminals.

In the CICS Explorer, the Terminals operations view provides a functional equivalent to this command.


The SET TERMINAL command changes some of the values of a named terminal. It cannot be used for APPC sessions.

In an SNA environment, a terminal is the CICS® representation of an SNA logical unit with which CICS can be in communication. (SNA environment means that CICS is using z/OS® Communications Server as the access method for communication with SNA logical units.)

This logical unit can be:
  • A physical terminal (such as a 3277)
  • A function of a cluster controller (such as a 3790 Type 2 batch function)
  • An intersystem communication (ISC) or interregion communication (IRC) session that has been generated by the CEDA transaction.

If you are familiar with network names, you may prefer to use the command that uses these names. See CEMT SET NETNAME.

The message TEMP OUT SERVICE might be displayed if recovery is in progress for the terminal. To reset the TEMP OUT SERVICE indicator, refresh the screen, or overtype the INS field with INS or OUT. If TEMP OUT SERVICE continues to be displayed, investigate the cause of this indicator.


Press the Clear key to clear the screen. You can start this transaction in two ways:
  • Type CEMT SET TERMINAL (or suitable abbreviations for the keywords), followed by (value), CLASS(value), or ALL. The resulting display lists the current status, similar to that obtained by using the CEMT INQUIRE TERMINAL command. You can tab to the highlighted or blank fields and overtype them with the required values.
  • Type CEMT SET TERMINAL (or suitable abbreviations for the keywords), followed by (value), CLASS(value), or ALL, then followed by one or more attribute settings that you want to change. For example, cemt s te(value) i cr specifies that a named terminal is available for use (ins ervice) and that it can be acquired automatically by ATI transactions (create).

Typing ? at the beginning of either the first or second line gives a syntax prompt. Resetting the values takes effect immediately.




A terminal identifier (1 - 4 characters) as specified in an installed terminal definition.
For example, if the terminal name is S201, this option is as follows:
ACQUIRED (z/OS Communications Server only)
CICS is in session with the logical unit represented by the terminal.
Any changes you request are made to all resources of the specified type that you are authorized to access.
ATI (z/OS Communications Server only)
The terminal is available for use by transactions that are initiated automatically from within CICS or, if the terminal is an ISC session, by transactions that are using this session as an alternative facility to communicate with another system.
AUTOPAGEABLE (z/OS Communications Server only)
Pages after the first in a series are to be written to the terminal automatically.
Automatic initiate descriptor (AIDs) queuing for the specified terminal are canceled. AIDs representing scheduled and allocated requests waiting in the local CICS system for the specified terminal are canceled. However, TD AIDs with an associated triggered task already started are not canceled.

When a canceled scheduled request has a precursor in a remote CICS system, this remote AID is canceled asynchronously. Message DFHTF0100 is written to CSMT to indicate how many AIDs have been deleted for the terminal and how many remain.

An AIDS CANCELED message appears on the CEMT panel whenever AIDs are deleted using the CANCEL option of the CEMT SET TERMINAL command.

CLASS (value)
The 1- or 2-character suffix of a terminal list table (TLT).
COLDACQ (z/OS Communications Server only)
This is a special form of ACQUIRED, where no resynchronization is required. If the previous session abended, the use of COLDACQ overrides CICS integrity control. This could lead to integrity problems. Also, you should check the CSMT log for an activity keypoint after the restart of a session following a CICS failure. If there is no activity keypoint, you should issue COLDACQ again after the next emergency restart.
CREATE (z/OS Communications Server only)
If the terminal is not in session, CICS acquires it if it is needed to satisfy an ATI request.
Any transaction running with this terminal is immediately terminated abnormally. Data integrity is not guaranteed. In some extreme cases (for example, if an error occurs during backout processing), CICS might terminate abnormally.
The terminal is available for use. For z/OS Communications Server, INSERVICE means that the terminal can be ACQUIRED.
Terminate the task. System and data integrity is not guaranteed. The KILL option extends the PURGE and FORCEPURGE options. Use this option only after first attempting a purge or forced purge. The KILL option does not guarantee integrity of any kind, but in some situations you can use it to free up a stalled region, thus enabling the region to continue processing. In some cases, for example, if a task is killed during backout processing, CICS terminates abnormally.
NOATI (z/OS Communications Server only)
The terminal is not available for use by transactions that are initiated automatically from within CICS or, if the terminal is an ISC session, by transactions that are using this session as an alternative facility to communicate with another system.
Note: A terminal cannot be defined with both NOATI and NOTTI.
NOCREATE (z/OS Communications Server only)
If the terminal is not in session, CICS does not acquire it to satisfy an ATI request. A session must be started by, for example, a logon request or a CEMT SET TERMINAL ACQUIRED command before the ATI request can be satisfied.

If NOCREATE is set for an LU6.1 ISC session and there are no allocatable sessions left, the connection is placed OUTSERVICE.

NOTTI (z/OS Communications Server only)
This terminal cannot be used by transactions that are initiated from this terminal.
Note: A terminal cannot be defined with both NOATI and NOTTI.
The terminal is not available for use. Setting a terminal OUTSERVICE means that the terminal can no longer be used by transactions. If PURGE or FORCEPURGE is also specified, any transaction using the terminal is terminated abnormally. If PURGE or FORCEPURGE is not specified, the transaction can terminate normally, but no further transactions can use the terminal. For z/OS Communications Server, setting a terminal OUTSERVICE also causes it to be released and the operator to be signed off, either immediately or when the current transaction has terminated.

In an LU6.1 ISC session the connection is set OUTSERVICE if there are no allocatable sessions left.

To set an IRC session OUTSERVICE, you must set the connection to the MRO partner OUTSERVICE.

PAGEABLE (z/OS Communications Server only)
Pages after the first in a series are to be written to the terminal only if you request them to be.
PRIORITY (z/OS Communications Server only)
Specifies the priority of a terminal relative to other terminals. The priority of a task is the sum of the transaction priority, the terminal priority, and the operator priority. Priority has no meaning for terminals that are ISC sessions being used as alternative facilities. The value must be in the range 0 - 255, where 255 is the highest priority.
Any transaction running with this terminal is purged only if system and data integrity can be maintained.
RELEASED (z/OS Communications Server only)
CICS is not in session with the logical unit represented by the terminal. Setting a terminal RELEASED causes the session to be terminated. Running transactions are allowed to finish unless PURGE or FORCEPURGE is also specified.
TTI (z/OS Communications Server only)
This terminal can be used by transactions.