The CEDA DEFINE command

Use the CEDA DEFINE command to create new resource definitions on the CSD.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramCEDADEFineAtomservice( name)Bundle( name)CONnection( name)CORbaserver( name)DB2Conn( name)DB2Entry( name)DB2Tran( name)DJar( name)DOctemplate( name)Enqmodel( name)File( name)Ipconn( name)JOurnalmodel( name)JVmserver( name)LIbrary( name)LSRpool( name)MApset( name)MQconn( name)PARTItionset( name)PARTNer( name)PIpeline( name)PROCesstype( name)PROFile( name)PROGram( name)Requestmodel( name)Sessions( name)TCpipservice( name)TDqueue( name)TErminal( name)TRANClass( name)TRANSaction( name)TSmodel( name)TYpeterm( name)Urimap( name)Webservice( name)Group( groupname)attribute list( newvalue)


You can use the same name for more than one resource definition in a group, if the definitions are for different resource types. For example:

When you have any resource definitions with the same name, make sure that you install the one you really want. See Duplicate resource definition names.

You must specify the resource type and name on the command line. You can also specify the group and other attributes on the command line.

The whole definition is displayed on an overtype-to-modify panel, and you can change any of the attributes there, unless you entered a complete DEFINE command on the command line, in which case you cannot change the NAME or GROUPNAME attributes.

The definition was created when you entered the DEFINE command. If you do not want to further modify it, you can enter another command from the command line.

If a resource definition of the same name and type already exists in the group, any attributes specified on the command line are ignored, and the existing resource definition is displayed. You can then overtype and modify any of the existing values if you want. If you do not want to modify the definition, you can enter another command from the command line.

Beware of overtyping values on which other attribute values depend.


Attribute list
Depends on the resource type being defined; some resources have attributes that must be included in the definition. Attributes that you do not specify are given default values.
Specifies the name of the group containing the resource definition being defined. Do not use a generic group name. If you specify the name of a group that does not already exist, the group is created.
Specifies the type and name of the resource that you want to define. Do not use a generic resource name.