The CEDA CHECK command

Use the CEDA CHECK command to check the consistency of a set of resource definitions on the CSD.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramCEDA CHeckGroup( groupname)List( listname1, listname2, listname3, listname4)Remotesystem( sysid)


The CHECK command performs a cross-check of a group, list, or lists of resource definitions, and should be used before the resource definitions are installed.

It checks that the resource definitions within the group or lists are consistent with one another.

For example: for each TRANSACTION in the list being checked, a check is made that the named PROGRAM definition exists in one of the groups. The success of the check does not necessarily mean that the PROGRAM is available to the running system.

Lists should be checked before being used to initialize CICS® during an initial or cold start (when the list or lists are specified in the GRPLIST system initialization parameter).

A group should be checked before you use the INSTALL command to install it on the running CICS system.

A group can be checked before you use the ADD command to add the group to a list. (The group might not be self-contained, in which case there is no point in checking it alone. Put it into a list with the groups containing related resource definitions.)

You can use the CHECK command from a DISPLAY panel.

How CEDA checks the definitions

The CHECK command checks the consistency of definitions within a group or within all of the groups within a list. It does not, however, cross-check every attribute of a resource. You may still get error messages when installing a group although you found no problems when using the CHECK command.

If you use the CHECK GROUP command, CEDA cross-checks all of the resources in a specified group to ensure that the group is ready to be used. For example, CHECK might warn you that a transaction definition within the group does not name a program within the same group. (Note, however, that this might not be an error. The group might intentionally be paired with a group that does contain the program, or you may want the program to be autoinstalled, in which case it would not have a definition.)

If you use the CHECK LIST command, CEDA cross-checks every group named in the list or lists. It does not check each group in turn, but merges the definitions in all of the listed groups, and checks them all. In this way it warns you if there are duplicate resource definitions, or references to definitions that do not exist.


specifies the group you want to check. A generic group name is not accepted.
List(listname1, listname2, etc.)
specifies the list or lists you want to check. A generic list name is not accepted.
specifies that a check is to be run on a group or list in a CICS region with a different sysid from the region that the CHECK command is being issued from. If this option is not used, the CHECK command will use the sysid of the region from which the CHECK command is issued.