For the latest information on upgrading to and from any versions of CICS TS, see CICS TS V5.6.

Changes to statistics

CICS® statistics records contain changes because of new domains or because of enhancements to CICS. Statistics types are added or removed and some statistics types have new or changed fields. You must recompile application programs using the changed DSECTs.

CEMT and EXEC CICS statistics commands

You can retrieve all the new statistics described in this section using the EXEC CICS EXTRACT STATISTICS command, the EXEC CICS PERFORM STATISTICS RECORD command, and the CEMT PERFORM STATISTICS command.

The options on the EXEC CICS EXTRACT STATISTICS command, the EXEC CICS PERFORM STATISTICS RECORD command, and the CEMT PERFORM STATISTICS command for the obsolete resource types described in this section are no longer valid. For details of what happens if you use the obsolete options, see the command documentation.

The list of resources supported by the EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS command is now closed. All new resources introduced from CICS Transaction Server for z/OS®, Version 3 Release 1 onwards are supported by the EXEC CICS EXTRACT STATISTICS command, which operates in the same way.

dfhe5_monstats_stats.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Saturday, 15 June 2019