Updating the Target Platform

How to manually add 3rd party Java™ classes to the Target Platform of an Eclipse development environment.

Before you begin

Ensure the JAR file containing the 3rd party Java classes is available as an OSGi plug-in and is copied to the local workstation. Ensure the CICS® TS V5.2 or CICS TS V5.2 with Liberty and PHP Target Platform is already configured.

About this task

The CICS Explorer® Software Development Kit (SDK) only supplies Java classes necessary for the usage of the CICS or web APIs. To add support for additional interfaces it is necessary to manually add the OSGi plug-in containing the 3rd party JARs to the Eclipse Target Platform. This will make the exported packages available to all applications that use this target platform.


  1. In Eclipse click Windows > Preferences > Target Platform.
  2. Select the CICS TS V5.2 item or CICS TS V5.2 with Liberty and PHP from the Target definitions.
  3. Click Edit and then under the Locations tab, click Add. Browse to the directory where the 3rd party bundle JAR is located.
  4. Click Next and the OSGi plug-in content will be displayed.
  5. Click Finish and Finish again followed by OK.


You have successfully updated the OSGi environment to include both the 3rd party OSGi bundle and the CICS OSGi bundle required for Java application development.

What to do next

Deploy the Java application into a CICS JVM server, and add the 3rd party JAR as an OSGi middleware bundle or to the Liberty shared bundle repository. For further details refer to topics Updating OSGi middleware bundles and Manually tailoring server.xml.