Validation of JVM profile options

CICS® carries out a number of checks on key options specified in your JVM profiles whenever you start JVMs. These checks enable the early detection of problems in your JVM setup.

CICS carries out checks relating to the following JVM profile options:

If either of these options are found in the JVM profile, the JVM server starts without the OSGi framework.
CICS checks the following points for this directory:
  • The directory exists in z/OS® UNIX.
  • CICS has at least read permission to access the directory.
  • The JDK_INSTALL_OK file is present in the directory, indicating a completed installation of the IBM® 64-bit SDK for z/OS, Java™ Technology Edition 7 files in this location.
  • The Java release number in the JDK_INSTALL_OK file is a version supported by CICS.
If any problems are found, CICS issues an error message and does not start the JVM.
For JVM server profiles, CICS checks that the specified JAR files are OSGi bundles. CICS also checks that the middleware bundles are correctly delimited and have the right separators.
Deprecated class path options: LIBPATH, CLASSPATH
A warning message is issued at JVM startup if you have one or more of these options in a JVM profile. Do not use these options in JVM profiles. The message advises on the correct option to use instead.
Deprecated class path options: CICS_HOME, TMPREFIX, TMSUFFIX
These options are ignored.