Tailoring the CICS-supplied skeleton jobs

You tailor the CICS-supplied skeleton jobs to your CICS® TS environment.

If you used CBPDO or the ServerPac to install CICS TS, edit and run DFHISTAR to tailor the CICS-supplied skeleton jobs that create the CICS TS data sets and run the CICS TS IVPs.

If you used the distribution tape to install CICS TS, as described in the Program Directory for CICS Transaction Server for z/OS, you have typically tailored the skeleton jobs already, and you can now start Jobs for creating the CICS data sets.

Whichever method you used to install CICS TS, you can edit and run DFHISTAR several times, to create different copies of the skeleton jobs or subsequently change them. For example, to create several copies of DFHDEFDS to define data sets unique to several CICS regions, or if you have to apply service to any of the installation-related jobs. In this way, you can tailor the jobs to your CICS environment after you have loaded the CICS software into the SMP/E-supported CICS libraries.