The RMTRAN system initialization parameter specifies the name of the transaction that you want an alternate CICS to initiate when logged-on class 1 terminals, which are defined with the attribute RECOVNOTIFY(TRANSACTION) specified, are switched following a takeover.

RMTRAN=({CSGM|name1}[,{CSGM |name2}])
This parameter is applicable only on an alternate CICS region.
If you do not specify a name here, CICS uses the CSGM transaction, the default CICS good morning transaction.
This is the transaction that CICS initiates at terminals that do not remain signed-on after the takeover (that is, they are still connected to CICS, but are signed off).
This is the transaction that CICS initiates at terminals that remain signed-on after the takeover. If you specify only name1, CICS uses the CSGM transaction as the default for name2.

If you are using z/OS Communications Server persistent sessions, the name2 transaction is ignored and the name1 transaction is always initiated.