The CILOCK parameter specifies whether or not the control interval lock of a non-RLS VSAM file is to be kept after a successful read-for-update request.

Valid values are as follows:
is the default and specifies that the control interval is to be freed. This allows other tasks to access other records in the same control interval, without an exclusive control conflict occurring. In these cases throughput should be greater. Note that the record lock on the record for which the read-for-update was first issued, still prevents other tasks from updating this record, even though the control interval lock has been released. When the record is rewritten or deleted, the read-for-update is reissued to VSAM as part of the update processing.

If a WRITE is issued by another task during a READ UDPATE, the WRITE receives a DUPREC condition.

specifies that the control interval is not to be freed. This means that a subsequent rewrite or delete request does not need to reissue the read-for-update request to VSAM. However, if other tasks attempt to access other records in the same control interval, an exclusive control conflict occurs on this control interval, forcing these tasks to wait until the update request completes.