Program details view

The Program details view shows the properties of a program in CICS® IA.

To see the properties of a program, start from a view in the CICS IA plug-in that shows the program, for example the Programs view. Either double-click the program name, or right-click the program name and click Show Details.

The view title shows the program name.

Program attributes tab

This tab lists the program attributes, with a column for each region where the program is used. If the value of an attribute is different in different regions, the row for that attribute is highlighted. Attributes are organized into groups, and you can expand and collapse those groups.

To see the attribute description for a specific attribute, select the attribute, then press F1. If the Help view does not display the table of attribute descriptions, use the Dynamic link icon Dynamic link icon on the toolbar of the Help view, then select the attribute and press F1 again.

Program attributes tab on the Program details view

Scanner tab

This tab is shown when the relevant information is available for the program. It lists the properties of the program from the CUI_SCAN_SUMMARY table; that is, the summary information from the Load Module Scanner. This information includes whether the program is reenterable.

Scanner tab on the Program details view

CSECTs tab

This tab is shown when the relevant information is available for the program. It lists the properties of the program from CUI_CSECT_INFO table; that is, the results from the CSECT Scanner.

CSECTs tab on the Program details view


If you are connected to a CICS IA Version 3.2 or later database, you can use the following icon in the toolbar of the view:
  • Show Filters icon Show Filters icon. Filter which columns are displayed on the Program attributes or CSECTS tab in the Program details view.

    For the Program attributes tab, a list of regions where the program exists, grouped by collection ID, is displayed. If a collection ID scope is set, the filter is scoped to this collection ID; otherwise, all relevant collection IDs are listed. If the program does not exist in any region in the current collection ID scope, "No details found" is displayed.

    For the CSECTs tab, the CSECTS are listed.

    You can select the check boxes for the resources that you require, and your changes apply immediately to the view.