Exporting a CICS bundle project to your local file system

If you do not have authorization to deploy a bundle directly to a z/OS® file system, or you want to back up your bundle source code, you can export the bundle project to your local file system.

About this task

Exporting a CICS® bundle project to your local file system exports the bundle source code and files in an archive file. You can add the project into a source code repository or share the project with another user who can import the project into CICS Explorer®.

Do not deploy the bundle project source to the z/OS UNIX file system from outside CICS Explorer, because the tool packages the project for deployment and handles the file encoding for you.


  1. In the Project Explorer view, right-click your CICS Bundle project and select Export. The Export dialog opens.
  2. Click on Archive File in the tree.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Ensure that all the files in the project are selected. Enter a file name in the To archive file field. Select Save in .zip format.
  5. Click Finish.


You have exported the bundle to your local file system.

What to do next

Back up the bundle project or share it with another user.
If you have Java™ installed on your z/OS file system, you can use the following command to uncompress the file into the current directory:
 jar -xvf zipfile