Policies and CICS Performance Analyzer

You can use sample forms in CICS® Performance Analyzer for z/OS® (CICS PA) to produce reports that you can use to identify suitable threshold values to set conditions in policies.

Typically the CICS PA reports list data by transaction identifier. The scope at which a policy is deployed determines whether a policy applies to an entire platform or to a specific application, and transactions that are associated with the application instance.

Different versions of CICS PA provide different sample forms. The most suitable CICS PA sample forms for each currently supported policy rule type are listed here by version of CICS PA.

Policies and CICS PA V3.2

The most suitable CICS PA Version 3.2 sample forms for each currently supported policy rule type are listed.
Table 1. Sample CICS PA V3.2 forms for policies
Policy rule type Sample CICS PA V3.2 form Title Description
Database request RMIDBSUM CICS RMI Analysis, DB2 Overview Provides details of DB2® requests issued and Resource Manager Interface elapsed and suspend time.
File request FCSUM File request activity Provides details of the different types of file requests issued.
Program request PCSUM Program request activity Provides details of the different types of program requests issued.
Storage  1  USTORSUM User (Task) Storage Analysis Provides details of 24-bit and 31-bit task storage usage.
Storage  1  SSTORSUM Shared Storage Analysis Provides details of 24-bit and 31-bit shared storage usage.
Storage request  1  USTORSUM User (Task) Storage Analysis Provides counts of 24-bit and 31-bit task storage usage.
Storage request  1  SSTORSUM Shared Storage Analysis Provides counts of 24-bit and 31-bit shared storage usage.
Time CPUSUM Transaction CPU Analysis Provides details of the CPU usage by transactions and the CPU time for the various CICS TCBs.
 1  No existing forms provide details or counts of 64-bit task or shared storage usage or requests. However, new forms USTG5SUM and SSTG5SUM are provided for this purpose. See Table 2 for more information.

Policies and CICS PA V5.1

The most suitable CICS PA Version 5.1 sample forms for each currently supported policy rule type are listed.
Table 2. Sample CICS PA V5.1 forms for policies
Policy rule type Sample CICS PA V5.1 form Title Description
Database request MPMISC Platform, CPU/LINKs/DB2 summary Provides details of CPU usage, program link requests, and DB2 requests by transaction.
File request MPFCRQ File request summary Provides details of the different types of file requests issued.
Program request MPMISC Platform, CPU/LINKs/DB2 summary Provides details of CPU usage, program link requests, and DB2 requests by transaction.

Storage request

MPT24STG Platform 24-bit Stg summary Provides details of 24-bit task storage usage.

Storage request

MPT31STG Platform 31-bit Stg summary Provides details of 31-bit task storage usage.

Storage request

MPT64STG Platform 64-bit Stg summary Provides details of 64-bit task storage usage.

Storage request

MPSHRSTG Platform shared Stg summary Provides details of 24-bit, 31-bit, and 64-bit shared storage usage.

Storage request

USTG5SUM User (task) Storage analysis Provides details of 24-bit, 31-bit, and 64-bit task storage usage.

Storage request

SSTG5SUM Shared Storage analysis Provides details of 24-bit, 31-bit, and 64-bit shared storage usage.
Time MPMISC Platform CPU/LINKs/DB2 summary Provides details of CPU usage, program link requests, and DB2 requests by transaction.
Time CPU5SUM Transaction CPU analysis Provides details of CPU usage by transaction.

Policies and CICS PA V5.2

The most suitable CICS PA Version 5.2 sample forms for each currently supported policy rule type are listed.
Table 3. Sample CICS PA V5.2 forms for policies
Policy rule type Sample CICS PA V5.2 form Title Description
Database request MPMISC2 Platform - Misc Requests Summary Provides details of program link requests, start requests, syncpoint requests, and DB2 requests by transaction.
File request MPFCRQ Platform - File Request Summary Provides details of the different types of file requests by transaction.
Program request MPMISC2 Platform - Misc Requests Summary Provides details of program link requests, start requests, syncpoint requests, and DB2 requests by transaction.
Start request MPMISC2 Platform - Misc Requests Summary Provides details of program link requests, start requests, syncpoint requests, and DB2 requests by transaction.

Storage request

MPT24STG Platform 24-bit Stg Summary Provides details of 24-bit task storage usage by transaction.

Storage request

MPT31STG Platform 31-bit Stg Summary Provides details of 31-bit task storage usage by transaction.

Storage request

MPT64STG Platform 64-bit Stg Summary Provides details of 64-bit task storage usage by transaction.

Storage request

MPSHRSTG Platform shared Stg Summary Provides details of 24-bit, 31-bit, and 64-bit shared storage usage by transaction.
Syncpoint request MPMISC2 Platform - Misc Requests Summary Provides details of program link requests, start requests, syncpoint requests, and DB2 requests by transaction.
TD Queue request MPTDRQ Platform - TD Request Summary Provides details of the different types of transient data queue requests by transaction.
Time MPMISC1 Platform - Response/CPU Summary Provides details of response time and CPU usage by transaction.
TS Queue request MPTSRQ Platform - TS Request Summary Provides details of the different types of temporary storage queue requests by transaction.