DFHXS1218    applid The CICS region userid userid is not authorized to access key ring keyring.


The KEYRING system initialization parameter has been used to specify a key ring named keyring, but the CICS region userid (userid) does not have sufficient authority to access it.

System action

If the PARMERR=ABEND system initialization parameter is specified, CICS initialization terminates.

If the PARMERR=IGNORE system initialization parameter is specified, CICS initialization continues without a key ring. CICS does not initialize support for secure sockets layer, is not able to install TCPIPSERVICEs that specify SSL(YES) or SSL(CLIENTAUTH), or CORBASERVERs that specify CERTIFICATE.

If the PARMERR=INTERACT system initialization parameter is specified, you are prompted to enter a new key ring name, but you can only reply with a blank name, which causes CICS to continue initialization without a key ring.

User response

If CICS is to use the secure sockets layer, the CICS region userid must be given READ access to the IRR.DIGTCERT.LIST and IRR.DIGTCERT.LISTRING resources in the FACILITY class. For further information, see the RACF Security Guide.



XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts

  1. applid
  2. userid
  3. keyring



DFHXS1218.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019