DFHXS1113    applid The region userid cannot access system transaction tranid. CICS will terminate. SAF codes are (X'safresp',X'safreas'). ESM codes are (X'esmresp',X'esmreas').


The region userid for this CICS system is not authorized to attach the system transaction tranid. It is a CICS requirement that the region userid must be able to access this transaction.

The response and reason codes (safresp and safreas) returned by the system authorization facility (SAF), and the response and reason codes (esmresp and esmreas) returned by the external security manager (ESM) are those issued by the RACROUTE REQUEST=FASTAUTH or AUTH macro.

System action

CICS terminates.

User response

Authorize the CICS region userid to access all the required CICS system transactions, or specify a different region userid that does have the required authority. (The required transactions are documented as the 'Category 1' transactions in the RACF Security Guide. To authorize the region userid to use these transactions, you should execute the sample clist DFH$CAT1, as described in the CICS TS Installation Guide.)

Then restart CICS.



XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts

  1. applid
  2. tranid
  3. X'safresp'
  4. X'safreas'
  5. X'esmresp'
  6. X'esmreas'



DFHXS1113.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019