DFHXS1108    applid Partner-LU profiles could not be built for class APPCLU. SAF codes are (X'safresp',X'safreas'). ESM codes are (X'esmresp',X'esmreas').


The partner-LU profiles for the class APPCLU could not be loaded into storage by the external security manager. CICS therefore has no APPCLU security profiles. The response and reason codes (safresp and safreas) returned by the system authorization facility (SAF), and the response and reason codes (esmresp and esmreas) returned by the external security manager (ESM) are those issued by the RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST macro.

The build of the profiles was requested by one of the following:

System action

If the failure occurs during CICS initialization or PERFORM SECURITY REBUILD, CICS terminates. If the failure occurs during SET VTAM OPEN, the VTAM ACB is closed and CICS continues.

User response

Use the external security manager codes to determine why the RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST operation failed. Rectify the problem in the external security manager, then restart CICS.



XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts

  1. applid
  2. X'safresp'
  3. X'safreas'
  4. X'esmresp'
  5. X'esmreas'



DFHXS1108.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019