CICS management client interface resource names

The CICS® management client interface (CMCI) uses external resource names that map to CICSPlex® SM and CICS resources.

The following tables list the CMCI external resource names and their associated CICSPlex SM resource names. The resources are divided into CICS operational resources, CICS definitional resources, CICSPlex SM definitional resources, and CICSPlex SM nondefinitional resources.

See for information about CICSPlex SM resources including the CMCI methods that are valid for each resource.

CICS operational resources

Table 1. Resource names of CICS operational resources
External resource name CICSPlex SM resource name Description
CICSAllTaskSubpools TSKSPOLS CICS task storage subpools
CICSAtomService ATOMSERV CICS Atom service, feed, collection, or category document
CICSAutoInstallModel AIMODEL CICS autoinstall terminal model
CICSBridgeFacility BRFACIL Virtual terminal (bridge facility) used by the 3270 bridge mechanism
CICSBundlePart BUNDPART CICS bundle part
CICSCaptureSpecification EVCSPEC CICS event capture specifications
CICSCaptureSpecificationDataPredicate EVCSDATA CICS event capture specification data predicates
CICSCaptureSpecificationInformationSource EVCSINFO CICS event capture specification information sources
CICSCaptureSpecificationOptionPredicate EVCSOPT CICS event capture specification command option predicates
CICSCFDTPool CFDTPOOL Coupling facility data table pool
CICSDataSetName DSNAME Data set in use by an active CICS system
CICSDataTable CMDT Files that have CICS or user-maintained data tables, or coupling facility data tables, associated with them
CICSDb2Connection DB2CONN DB2® connection
CICSDb2Entry DB2ENTRY DB2 entry
CICSDb2Transaction DB2TRN DB2 transaction
CICSDBCTLSubsystem DBCTLSS Connections of an active CICS system to a DBCTRL subsystem
CICSDFHRPLDataSet RPLLIST Data set in the CICS DFHRPL concatenation sequence
CICSDocumentTemplate DOCTEMP Document template
CICSDomainSubpool DOMSPOOL CICS storage domain subpool
CICSDynamicStorageArea CICSDSA Dynamic storage area
CICSEnqueue ENQUEUE CICS enqueue
CICSEPAdapter EPADAPT CICS event processing adapter
Start of changeCICSEPAdapterSetEnd of change Start of changeEPADSETEnd of change Start of changeCICS event processing adapter setEnd of change
Start of changeCICSEPAdapterInSetEnd of change Start of changeEPAINSETEnd of change Start of changeCICS event processing adapters in an event processing adapter setEnd of change
CICSEventBinding EVNTBIND CICS event bindings
CICSEventProcessing EVNTGBL CICS event processing
CICSEXCIRequest EXCI Task that originated from client programs using the external CICS interface API
CICSExtrapartitionTDQueue EXTRATDQ Extrapartition transient data queue
CICSFEPIConnection FEPICONN FEPI connection
CICSFEPIPropertySet FEPIPROP FEPI property set
CICSGlobalDispatcher DSPGBL Global CICS dispatcher information for CICS systems.
CICSGlobalDynamicStorageArea CICSSTOR CICS dynamic storage areas
CICSGlobalMVSTCBStatistics MVSTCBGL Global MVS™ TCBs in the CICS address space
CICSGlobalTDQueueStatistics TDQGBL Intrapartition transient data queue usage
CICSGlobalTSQueueStatistics TSQGBL Temporary storage queue usage
CICSGlobalURIMapStatistics URIMPGBL Global statistics returned by CICS extract statistics for the URIMAP resource
CICSGlobalUserExit EXITGLUE Installed CICS TS global user exits
CICSIndirectTDQueue INDTDQ Indirect transient data queue
CICSIntervalControlRequest REQID Outstanding interval control requests
CICSIntrapartitionTDQueue INTRATDQ Intrapartition transient data queue
CICSIPFacility IPFACIL Associations between active CICS tasks and the IPIC connections in use by those tasks
CICSIPICConnection IPCONN IP intercommunications connection
CICSISCMROConnection CONNECT ISC or MRO connection
CICSJournalModel JRNLMODL Installed journal model and corresponding log stream name
CICSJournalName JRNLNAME Information about the system log and general logs
CICSJVM JVM Java™ virtual machine
CICSJVMClassCache CLCACHE Shared class cache
CICSJVMServer JVMSERV Installed JVM servers
CICSLoader LOADER CICS loader information
CICSLoaderByDSA LOADACT CICS loader activity by dynamic storage area
CICSLocalFile LOCFILE CICS local file
CICSLocalTransaction LOCTRAN CICS local transaction
CICSLSRPool LSRPOOL Local shared resources pool
CICSLSRPoolBuffer LSRPBUF VSAM LSR pool buffer
CICSLU62ModeName MODENAME LU 6.2 mode name
CICSMonitoringAndStatistics MONITOR CICS monitoring and statistics information
CICSMQConnection MQCON WebSphere® MQ connection
CICSMQConnectionStatistics MQCONN WebSphere MQ connection statistics
CICSMQInitiationQueue MQINI WebSphere MQ initiation queue
CICSMVSLogStream STREAMNM MVS log stream name
CICSMVSStorageArea MVSESTG MVS storage area
CICSMVSWLM MVSWLM MVS workload management component information
CICSPagePool CICSPAGP CICS page (DSA) pool
CICSPartner PARTNER CPI-C partner table
CICSPipeline PIPELINE CICS web service processing nodes
CICSProcessType PROCTYP BTS process type
CICSProfile PROFILE CICS profile
CICSProgram PROGRAM CICS program
CICSRecoveryManager RECOVERY Recovery manager information
CICSRemoteFile REMFILE Remote CICS file
CICSRemoteTDQueue REMTDQ Remote transient data queue
CICSRemoteTransaction REMTRAN Remote transaction
CICSSharedTSQueue TSQSHR Temporary storage queue
CICSSystemDump SYSDUMP CICS system dump code
CICSSystemParameter SYSPARM CICS system parameter
CICSTaskAssociation TASKASSC Task association data
CICSTaskFileUsage TASKFILE Tasks and the CICS files they have used
CICSTaskRelatedExit EXITTRUE Task-related user exit
CICSTaskRMIUsage TASKRMI CICS resource manager interface usage by task
CICSTaskStorage TASKESTG CICS storage element for a task
CICSTaskSubpool TSKSPOOL CICS task storage subpool
CICSTaskTSQueueUsage TASKTSQ Tasks and the CICS temporary storage queues they have used
CICSTCBMode DSPMODE CICS dispatcher TCB mode
CICSTCBPool DSPPOOL CICS dispatcher TCB pool
CICSTCPIPStatistics TCPIPGBL CICS internal TCP/IP sockets support
CICSTerminal TERMNL CICS terminal
CICSTransactionClass TRANCLAS CICS transaction class
CICSTransactionDump TRANDUMP CICS transaction dump code
CICSTSModel TSMODEL CICS temporary storage model
CICSTSPool TSPOOL CICS temporary storage pool
CICSTSQueue TSQNAME CICS nonshared temporary storage queue
CICSUOW UOW CICS unit of work
CICSUOWEnqueue UOWENQ Enqueue held by a unit of work
CICSUOWLink UOWLINK Link between a unit of work and a CICS system
CICSUOWShuntedAndHoldingLocks UOWDSNF Shunted unit of work
CICSURIHost HOST Virtual hosts in the local system
CICSURIMap URIMAP Universal resource identifier request
CICSWebService WEBSERV Information about the runtime environment for a CICS application program deployed in a web services setting
CICSWorkRequest WORKREQ EJB work request
CICSXmltransform XMLTRANS XML transforms

CICS definitional resources

Table 2. Resource names of CICS definitional resources
External resource name CICSPlex SM resource name Description
CICSCSDGroup CSDGROUP CSD group definition
CICSCSDGroupInList CSDINLST CSD groups in list
CICSCSDList CSDLIST CSD list definition
CICSCSDResource CSDINGRP CSD CICS resources in group
CICSDefinitionAtomService ATOMDEF Atom service definition
CICSDefinitionBundle BUNDDEF Bundle definition
CICSDefinitionCorbaServer EJCODEF CorbaServer definition
CICSDefinitionDb2Connection DB2CDEF DB2 connection definition
CICSDefinitionDb2Entry DB2EDEF DB2 entry definition
CICSDefinitionDb2Transaction DB2TDEF DB2 transaction definition
CICSDefinitionDeployedJARFile EJDJDEF CICS-deployed JAR file definition
CICSDefinitionDocumentTemplate DOCDEF Document template definition
CICSDefinitionEnqueueModel ENQMDEF Global enqueue definition
CICSDefinitionFEPINode FENODDEF FEPI node definition
CICSDefinitionFEPIPool FEPOODEF FEPI pool definition
CICSDefinitionFEPIPropertySet FEPRODEF FEPI property set definition
CICSDefinitionFEPITarget FETRGDEF FEPI target definition
CICSDefinitionFile FILEDEF CICS file definition
CICSDefinitionIPICConnection IPCONDEF IPIC connection definition
CICSDefinitionISCMROConnection CONNDEF ISC/MRO connection definition
CICSDefinitionJournalModel JRNMDEF Journal model definition
CICSDefinitionLSRPool LSRPOOL Local shared resources pool definition
CICSDefinitionMapSet MAPDEF Map set definition
CICSDefinitionMQConnection MQCONDEF WebSphere MQ connection definition
CICSDefinitionPartitionSet PRTNDEF Partition set definition
CICSDefinitionPartner PARTDEF Partner definition
CICSDefinitionPipeline PIPEDEF Pipeline definition
CICSDefinitionProcessType PROCDEF Process type definition
CICSDefinitionProfile PROFDEF Profile definition
CICSDefinitionProgram PROGDEF Program definition
CICSDefinitionRequestModel RQMDEF Request model definition
CICSDefinitionSession SESSDEF Session definition
CICSDefinitionTCPIPService TCPDEF TCP/IP service definition
CICSDefinitionTDQueue TDQDEF Transient data queue definition
CICSDefinitionTerminal TERMDEF Terminal definition
CICSDefinitionTransaction TRANDEF Transaction definition
CICSDefinitionTransactionClass TRNCLDEF Transaction class definition
CICSDefinitionTSModel TSMDEF Temporary storage model definition
CICSDefinitionTypeterm TYPTMDEF Typeterm definition
CICSDefinitionURIMap URIMPDEF URI mapping definition
CICSDefinitionWebService WEBSVDEF Web service definition

CICSPlex SM definitional resources

Table 3. Resource names of CICSPlex SM definitional resources
External resource name CICSPlex SM resource name Description
CICSActiveAnalysisPointSpecification APSPEC RTA analysis point specification
Start of changeCICSApplicationDefinitionEnd of change Start of changeAPPLDEFEnd of change Start of changeApplication definitionEnd of change
Start of changeCICSBatchrepRequestEnd of change Start of changeBATCHREPEnd of change Start of changeBatched repository-update jobEnd of change
CICSCICSplexDefinition CPLEXDEF CICSplex definition
CICSCMASToCMASLinkDefinition CMTCMDEF CMAS-to-CMAS link definition
CICSMonitorDefinition MONDEF Monitor definitions
CICSMonitorGroup MONGROUP Monitor groups
CICSMonitorGroupInSpecification MONINSPC Monitor groups in monitor specifications
CICSMonitorResourceInGroup MONINGRP Monitor definitions in groups
CICSMonitorSpecification MONSPEC Monitor specifications
CICSMonitorSpecificationsToSystem LNKSMSCS Monitor specifications to CICS system links
CICSMonitorSpecificationsToSystemGroup LNKSMSCG Monitor specifications to system group links
CICSPeriodDefinition PERIODEF Time period definition
Start of changeCICSPlatformDefinitionEnd of change Start of changePLATDEFEnd of change Start of changePlatform definitionEnd of change
CICSPrimaryAnalysisPointCMAS CMDMPAPS Primary CMAS analysis point specification
CICSRegionDefinition CSYSDEF CICS region definition
CICSRegionGroup CSYSGRP CICS system group definition
CICSResourceAssignmentDefinition RASGNDEF Resource assignment definition
CICSResourceAssignmentInDescription RASINDSC Resource assignments in resource description
CICSResourceDescription RESDESC Resource description definition
CICSResourceGroup RESGROUP Resource group definition
CICSResourceInGroup RESINGRP Resources associated with a resource group
CICSResourceGroupInDescription RESINDSC Resource groups in resource description
CICSRTAActionDefinition ACTION RTA action definition
CICSRTADefinition RTADEF RTA definition
CICSRTAEvaluationDefinition EVALDEF Evaluation definitions
CICSRTAGroup RTAGROUP RTA group definition
CICSRTAResourceInGroup RTAINGRP RTA definition in an RTA group
CICSRTASpecification RTASPEC RTA specification definition
CICSRTAStatusDefinition STATDEF RTA status definition
CICSRTAStatusDefinitionInGroup STAINGRP Status definition in an RTA group
CICSSecondaryAnalysisPointCMAS CMDMSAPS Secondary CMAS analysis point specification
CICSSystemGroupToSystemGroup CSGLCGCS CICS system to group links
CICSSystemLink SYSLINK CICS system link definition
CICSSystemToSystemGroup CSGLCGCG CICS system group to group links
CICSTransactionGroup TRANGRP CICS transaction group definition
CICSTransactionInGroup DTRINGRP Transactions in transaction groups
CICSWLMActiveRouter WLMAROUT CICS router region in an active workload
CICSWLMDefinition WLMDEF WLM definition
CICSWLMGroup WLMGROUP WLM group definition
CICSWLMResourceInGroup WLMINGRP WLM definition in a workload group
CICSWLMSpecification WLMSPEC WLM specification

CICSPlex SM nondefinitional resources

Table 4. Resource names of CICSPlex SM nondefinitional resources
External resource name CICSPlex SM resource name Description
CICSActiveAnalysisPoint APACTV Installed analysis definitions associated with an analysis point specification
Start of changeCICSApplicationEnd of change Start of changeAPPLCTNEnd of change Start of changeDeployed applicationEnd of change
CICSCICSManagingAddressSpace CMAS Active CMAS
CICSCICSManagingAddressSpaceList CMASLIST CMASs known to the local CMAS
CICSCICSplex CICSPLEX CICSplex being managed by a CMAS
CICSCICSplexList CMASPLEX All CICSplexes being managed by local CMAS
CICSManagedRegion MAS CICSPlex SM managed CICS region
CICSManagedRegionStatus MASSTAT Status of a managed CICS region by CMAS
Start of changeCICSManagementPartEnd of change Start of changeMGMTPARTEnd of change Start of changeManagement part for an application or platformEnd of change
Start of changeCICSPlatformEnd of change Start of changePLATFORMEnd of change Start of changePlatformEnd of change
CICSResourceByAssignment RASPROC Resource selected by a resource assignment
CICSResourceByDescription RDSCPROC Resource selected by a resource description
CICSResourceBySystem SYSRES Resource assigned to CICS systems
CICSRTAEvent EVENT Significant outstanding change in the status of a CICSplex or one of its CICS systems
CICSRTAEventDetail EVENTDTL Evaluation that participated in the generation of an event
CICSRTAInstalledDefinition RTAACTV RTA installed analysis and status definition
Start of changeCICSRuleEnd of change Start of changeRULEEnd of change Start of changePolicy rule informationEnd of change
CICSTaskHistory HTASK Completed task
CICSTaskHistoryCollection MASHIST CICS task history collection
CICSTopologyAtomService CRESATOM Atom service in a CICS system
CICSTopologyAutoInstallModel CRESAIMD Topology data for autoinstall model
CICSTopologyBundle CRESBUND Bundle in a CICS system
CICSTopologyBTSProcessType CRESPRTY BTS Process Type in a CICS system
Start of changeCICSTopologyCaptureSpecificationEnd of change Start of changeCRESEVCSEnd of change Start of changeEvent Processing capture specificationEnd of change
CICSTopologyDataSet CRESDSNM Data set in a CICS system
CICSTopologyDb2Connection CRESDB2C DB2 connection in a CICS system
CICSTopologyDb2Entry CRESDB2E DB2 entry in a CICS system
CICSTopologyDb2Transaction CRESDB2T DB2 transaction in a CICS system
CICSTopologyDocumentTemplate CRESDOCT Document template in a CICS system
CICSTopologyEnqueueModel CRESENQM ENQ/DEQ model in a CICS system
CICSTopologyEPAdapter CRESEPAD Event processing adapter
Start of changeCICSTopologyEPAdapterSetEnd of change Start of changeCRESEPASEnd of change Start of changeEvent processing adapter setEnd of change
CICSTopologyEventBinding CRESEVBD Event binding in a CICS system
CICSTopologyFEPIConnection CRESFECO FEPI connection in a CICS system
CICSTopologyFEPINode CRESFEND FEPI node in a CICS system
CICSTopologyFEPIPool CRESFEPO FEPI pool in a CICS system
CICSTopologyFEPITarget CRESFETR FEPI target in a CICS system
CICSTopologyFile CRESFILE File in a CICS system
CICSTopologyGlobalUserExit CRESGLUE Global user exit in a CICS system
CICSTopologyIPICConnection CRESIPCN IPIC connection in a CICS system
CICSTopologyISCMROConnection CRESCONN ISC/MRO connection in a CICS system
CICSTopologyJournalName CRESJRNM Journal name in a CICS system
CICSTopologyJVMServer CRESJVMS JVM Server in a CICS system
CICSTopologyLibrary CRESLIBR Topology data for LIBRARY
CICSTopologyLU62ModeName CRESMODE LU62 mode name in a CICS system
CICSTopologyPartner CRESPART Partner in a CICS system
CICSTopologyPipeline CRESPIPE Topology data for PIPELINE
CICSTopologyProfile CRESPROF Profile in a CICS system
CICSTopologyProgram CRESPRGM Program in a CICS system
CICSTopologyRequestModel CRESRQMD Request model in a CICS system
CICSTopologySystemDump CRESSDMP System dump in a CICS system
CICSTopologyTaskRelatedExit CRESTRUE Task-related exit in a CICS system
CICSTopologyTCPIPService CRESTCPS TCP/IP service in a CICS system
CICSTopologyTDQueue CRESTDQ Transient data queue in a CICS system
CICSTopologyTerminal CRESTERM Terminal in a CICS system
CICSTopologyTransaction CRESTRAN Transaction in a CICS system
CICSTopologyTransactionDump CRESTDMP Transaction dump in a CICS system
CICSTopologyTSModel CRESTSMD Temporary storage model in a CICS system
CICSTopologyUrimap CRESURIM Topology data for URIMAP
CICSTopologyWebservice CRESWEBS Topology data for WEBSERVICE
CICSTopologyXMLTransform CRESXMLT Topology data for XML transform
CICSWLMActiveAffinity WLMATAFF Active workload transaction group affinity
CICSWLMActiveAOR WLMAWAOR Target regions in an active workload
CICSWLMActiveDefinition WLMAWDEF Active workload definition
CICSWLMActiveTOR WLMAWTOR Active workload routing region
CICSWLMActiveTransactionGroup WLMATGRP Active workload transaction groups
CICSWLMActiveTransaction WLMATRAN Active workload dynamic transaction
CICSWLMActiveWorkload WLMAWORK Active workload
CICSWLMTarget WLMATARG Target region for one or more active workloads

clientapi_resources.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019