IBM FileNet P8, Version 5.2.1            

Working with Security

This information describes some of the tasks that are related to client-side security as you develop your applications.

Obtaining a LoginContext

AJava™ Authentication and Authorization (JAAS) login consists of three steps: obtaining a LoginContext object, calling the LoginContext.login method, and impersonating the logged in user to perform the actual work.

Obtaining a LoginContext object requires a tag to indicate some particular configuration in the JAAS login configuration file. If your login configuration file has an entry for "other", then it does not matter what tag you use in the call to the constructor of LoginContext because the call falls back to the entry "other" in the configuration file. You also need to supply a CallbackHandler to provide the credentials (user name and password). If you would like to be prompted for that information, you can provide a new instance of one of Sun's sample callback handlers, such as (as shown in the following example) or TextCallbackHandler.

The login method calls the callback handler, and if this handler is a Oracle WebLogic or IBM® WebSphere® Application Server handler, the credentials are authenticated. For JBoss, credentials are not authenticated until they are used in an interaction with the server to fetch, save, or search for objects. Problems with credential authentication, such as an invalid password, can occur in different places, depending on the application server you use to authenticate. A successful call to the login method for JBoss does not mean that the credentials are authenticated.

A UserContext object is associated with each thread that accesses the Content Engine Java API. A JAAS Subject is associated with the thread, by calling UserContext.pushSubject, before any calls that cause the API to access the Content Engine server. Note that the UserContext class provides a helper method that can perform the JAAS login for you in the common username/password case. This approach is typically taken when your application is using the Content Engine Java API instead of the web service transport. The following example uses the EJB transport for all subsequent Content Engine Java API calls. To instead use the web service transport, change the JAAS configuration stanza name in the UserContext.createSubject call from "FileNetP8" to "FileNetP8WSI".

Java Example

//  Perform the login.
static void performLogin(
        Connection con,
        String userName,        // Example: "username@testdom.local"
        String passWord) throws Exception 
    // *** Step 1: Obtain login context. ***

    // Determine call back handler.
    CallbackHandler handler = null;
    if (userName != null) 
        // Call user-created class that implements CallbackHandler.
        handler = new UserPasswordHandler(userName, passWord);
        handler = new DialogCallbackHandler();

    // Get login context.
    LoginContext lc = new LoginContext("mysystem", handler);

    // *** Step 2: Call login method. ***

    // Attempt to login.
        System.out.println("Login succeeded");
    catch (Exception exc) 
        System.out.println("Login failed");
        throw exc;  

    // *** Step 3: Impersonate logged in user. ***

    // Get user context.
    UserContext uc = UserContext.get();
    // Determine subject.
    Subject sub = null;
    if (userName != null) 
        // Example for EJB transport. Stanza name is FileNetP8 for EJB and FileNetP8WSI for WSI.
        sub = UserContext.createSubject(con, userName, passWord, "FileNetP8");
        sub = lc.getSubject();

    // Associate the JAAS Subject with the UserContext.
        // do work

Setting Permissions

The following code example shows how to set access rights for a new user added to a document's access permission list. An AccessPermission object is created, set with permission information about the new user, and added to the document's access permission list. Constants are used to express the combination of access rights, which are set on the AccessMask property of the AccessPermission object.

Java Example

// Constants specify combination of access rights.
private static final int LOAN_CREATOR = AccessRight.READ_ACL.getValue() | AccessRight.CHANGE_STATE.getValue() | AccessRight.CREATE_INSTANCE.getValue()
           | AccessRight.VIEW_CONTENT.getValue() |AccessRight.MINOR_VERSION.getValue() | AccessRight.UNLINK.getValue()
           | AccessRight.LINK.getValue() |AccessRight.WRITE.getValue() | AccessRight.READ.getValue();

private static final int LOAN_REVIEWER = AccessRight.VIEW_CONTENT.getValue() | AccessRight.READ_ACL.getValue() | AccessRight.READ.getValue() 
           | AccessRight.LINK.getValue();

// Adds new user to document's access permission list. Permissions are
// determined by user's group membership.
private AccessPermissionList setPermissions(AccessPermissionList apl, User newUser)
   AccessPermission ap = Factory.AccessPermission.createInstance();
   GroupSet groups = newUser.get_MemberOfGroups();
   Iterator iter = groups.iterator();
   while (iter.hasNext() == true) 
      Group group = (Group);

      // Set permissions based on whether user is in one of the following two groups.
      if (group.get_DisplayName().equalsIgnoreCase("LoanReviewers") )
      else if (group.get_DisplayName().equalsIgnoreCase("LoanCreators") )

   return apl;

C# Example

// Constants specify combination of access rights.
private const int LOAN_CREATOR = (int)AccessRight.READ_ACL | (int)AccessRight.CHANGE_STATE | (int)AccessRight.CREATE_INSTANCE
           | (int)AccessRight.VIEW_CONTENT | (int)AccessRight.MINOR_VERSION | (int)AccessRight.UNLINK
           | (int)AccessRight.LINK | (int)AccessRight.WRITE | (int)AccessRight.READ;

private const int LOAN_REVIEWER = (int)AccessRight.VIEW_CONTENT |(int)AccessRight.READ_ACL | (int)AccessRight.READ 
           | (int)AccessRight.LINK;

// Adds new user to document's access permission list. Permissions are
// determined by user's group membership.
private IAccessPermissionList setPermissions(IAccessPermissionList apl, IUser newUser)
   IAccessPermission ap = Factory.AccessPermission.CreateInstance();
   ap.GranteeName = newUser.DistinguishedName;
   ap.AccessType = AccessType.ALLOW;

   IGroupSet groups = newUser.MemberOfGroups;
   foreach (IGroup group in groups)
      // Set permissions based on whether user is in one of the following two groups.
      if (group.DisplayName.Equals("LoanReviewers", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
         ap.AccessMask = LOAN_REVIEWER;
      else if (group.DisplayName.Equals("LoanCreators, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
         ap.AccessMask = LOAN_CREATOR;

   return apl;

Modifying Permissions

The following code example shows how to change permissions for a particular group with access to a class of documents. Users in the LoanReviewers group have permission to view security on instances of the Loans class, a subclass of Documents. The right to view security is removed.

Java Example

private static final PropertyFilter PF;
   PF= new PropertyFilter();
   PF.addIncludeProperty(new FilterElement(null, null, null, "DefaultInstancePermissions", null));

// Gets Loans subclass.
ClassDefinition cd=Factory.ClassDefinition.fetchInstance(os, new Id("{3B71BC99-FD11-4E15-9CF5-83887ED1C42F}"), PF);

// Gets permissions from Loans subclass.
AccessPermissionList apl = cd.get_DefaultInstancePermissions();
apl = cd.get_Permissions();
// Iterates permissions in search of LoanReviewers group.
// Removes the access right for viewing security on Loans instances.
// Saves the modified permission for the LoanReviewers group.
Iterator iter = apl.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
   AccessPermission ap =  (AccessPermission);
   if (ap.get_GranteeName().equalsIgnoreCase(""))
      int rights = ap.get_AccessMask();
      rights &= ~AccessRight.READ_ACL.getValue();

C# Example

private static readonly PropertyFilter PF;
   PF = new PropertyFilter();
   PF.AddIncludeProperty(new FilterElement(null, null, null, PropertyNames.DEFAULT_INSTANCE_PERMISSIONS, null));

// Gets Loans subclass.
IClassDefinition cd = Factory.ClassDefinition.FetchInstance(os, new Id("{3B71BC99-FD11-4E15-9CF5-83887ED1C42F}"), PF);

// Gets permissions from Loans subclass.
IAccessPermissionList apl = cd.Permissions;

// Iterates permissions in search of LoanReviewers group.
// Removes the access right for viewing security on Loans instances.
// Saves the modified permission for the LoanReviewers group.
foreach (IAccessPermission ap in apl)
   if (ap.GranteeName.Equals("", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
      int rights = (int)ap.AccessMask;
      rights &= ~(int)AccessRight.READ_ACL;
      ap.AccessMask = rights;
      cd.Permissions = apl;

Checking Permissions

The following code example shows how to check a user's permissions on a Document object to run a particular operation. Individual access rights are used to test permissions.

Java Example

private static final PropertyFilter PF;
   PF= new PropertyFilter();
   PF.addIncludeProperty(new FilterElement(null, null, null, PropertyNames.ID, null));
private static final int ACCESS_REQUIRED = AccessRight.DELETE.getValue() | AccessRight.WRITE.getValue() | AccessRight.MAJOR_VERSION.getValue();


Document doc=Factory.Document.fetchInstance(os, new Id("{BBC0B2D5-9850-4F48-9AC9-7DBC38A9C89D}"), PF);
int accessMask = doc.getAccessAllowed();

// Does user have the following rights on the document?
   // do something applicable to these rights.

C# Example

private static readonly PropertyFilter PF;
static checkPermissions()
   PF = new PropertyFilter();
   PF.AddIncludeProperty(new FilterElement(null, null, null, PropertyNames.ID, null));
private const int ACCESS_REQUIRED = (int)AccessRight.DELETE | (int)AccessRight.WRITE | (int)AccessRight.MAJOR_VERSION;


IDocument doc = Factory.Document.FetchInstance(os, new Id("{BBC0B2D5-9850-4F48-9AC9-7DBC38A9C89D}"), PF);
int accessMask = (int)doc.GetAccessAllowed();

// Does user have the following rights?
   // do something applicable to these rights.

Getting Access Permission Descriptions

The following examples show how to retrieve access permission descriptions (APDs) to populate a user interface (UI) for selecting permissions (UI code and code for setting permissions is not included). The code creates a collection of APDs from the Folder class description, and then iterates the collection to get descriptive information from each AccessPermissionDescription object. The output listing follows the examples.

Java Example

String apdClass = ClassNames.FOLDER;
ClassDescription cd = Factory.ClassDescription.getInstance(os, apdClass);
cd.fetchProperty(PropertyNames.PERMISSION_DESCRIPTIONS, null);
AccessPermissionDescriptionList apdl = cd.get_PermissionDescriptions();
System.out.println(apdClass + " has this many APDs: "  + apdl.size());
for (Iterator it = apdl.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
   AccessPermissionDescription apd = (AccessPermissionDescription);
   String dn = apd.get_DisplayName();
   String dt = apd.get_DescriptiveText();
   dt = (dn.equals(dt) ? ""  : ": "  + dt);
   String pt = apd.get_PermissionType().toString();
   pt += "                     ".substring(pt.length());
   System.out.println(pt + "  "  + dn + dt);

C# Example

String apdClass = ClassNames.FOLDER ;
IClassDescription cd = Factory.ClassDescription.GetInstance(os, apdClass);
cd.FetchProperty(PropertyNames.PERMISSION_DESCRIPTIONS, null);
IAccessPermissionDescriptionList apdl = cd.PermissionDescriptions;
System.Console.WriteLine(apdClass + " has this many APDs: " + apdl.Count);
foreach (IAccessPermissionDescription apd in apdl) 
   String dn = apd.DisplayName;
   String dt = apd.DescriptiveText;
   dt = (dn.Equals(dt) ? ""  : ": "  + dt);
   String pt = apd.PermissionType.ToString();
   pt += "                     " .Substring(pt.Length);
   System.Console.WriteLine(pt + "  "  + dn + dt);

Output Listing

Folder has this many APDs: 21
LEVEL                  Full Control
LEVEL                  Modify properties
LEVEL                  Add to Folder
LEVEL_DEFAULT          View properties
RIGHT                  View all properties
RIGHT                  Modify all properties
RIGHT                  Reserved12 (Deploy is deprecated)
RIGHT                  Reserved13 (Archive is deprecated)
RIGHT                  File in folder / Annotate
RIGHT                  Unfile from folder
RIGHT                  Create instance
RIGHT                  Create subfolder
RIGHT                  Delete
RIGHT                  Read permissions
RIGHT                  Modify permissions
RIGHT                  Modify owner
RIGHT_INHERIT_ONLY     Minor versioning 
RIGHT_INHERIT_ONLY     Major versioning 
RIGHT_INHERIT_ONLY     View content 
RIGHT_INHERIT_ONLY     Change state 

Working with Marking Objects

The following code snippet retrieves all MarkingSet objects from the FileNet® P8 domain.

Java Example

  Domain domain = Factory.Domain.fetchInstance(conn, "Domain", null);

Implementing Kerberos

Kerberos can be implemented for single sign-on (SSO) authentication on the client. For more information about Kerberos, see Kerberos for Content Engine.


A number of prerequisites must be met before you can use Kerberos for SSO authentication.

System Prerequisites

Domain/Account Prerequisites

Standalone .NET Client Prerequisites

Content Engine Java Server Prerequisites

Using Kerberos on an API Client

The following example illustrates how to use Kerberos authentication with a Content Engine .NET API client:

Java Example

  // Java clients currently do not support Kerberos authentication.

C# Example

  KerberosCredentials creds = new KerberosCredentials(); 
  IConnection conn = Factory.Connection.GetConnection(strURI); 
  IDomain domain = Factory.Domain.GetInstance(conn, strP8Domain);

The C# example uses the identity of the Windows system that is logged in user for each Content Engine command.

Working with Security Policies

The following Java and C# code examples show you how to work with security policies and security templates. These examples, show you how to create and assign a security policy. Other examples show you how to apply an application security template to an object, and how to retrieve permission information from a security template. The last example shows you how to remove a security policy from both an object and from an object store.

Creating a Security Policy

The following Java and C# examples show how to create a SecurityPolicy object. To start, three SecurityTemplate objects are created and added to a SecurityTemplateList object. Two of the templates are of type VersioningSecurityTemplate, and one is of type ApplicationSecurityTemplate. The VersioningSecurityTemplate objects are intended to be applied automatically to released and superseded versions of an object. The ApplicationSecurityTemplate object must be applied to an object manually (see Applying an ApplicationSecurityTemplate). For each template, the TemplatePermissions property is set to an AccessPermissionList object, which is returned by the setPermissions method (not shown).

Next, a SecurityPolicy object is created and its SecurityTemplates property is set to the SecurityTemplateList. Note that the security policy's PreserveDirectPermissions property is set to false; therefore, when the security policy is assigned to an object, the object's original direct permissions are replaced by the permissions that are defined in the security policy's templates.

Java Example

public void createSecurityObject(ObjectStore os)
   // Access rights for released, superseded, and obsolete objects
        int permReleased = AccessRight.READ_ACL_AS_INT | AccessRight.CHANGE_STATE_AS_INT 
           | AccessRight.CREATE_INSTANCE_AS_INT | AccessRight.VIEW_CONTENT_AS_INT 
           | AccessRight.MINOR_VERSION_AS_INT | AccessRight.UNLINK_AS_INT 
           | AccessRight.LINK_AS_INT | AccessRight.MAJOR_VERSION_AS_INT 
           | AccessRight.WRITE_AS_INT | AccessRight.READ_AS_INT;
        int permSuperseded = AccessRight.READ_ACL_AS_INT | AccessRight.VIEW_CONTENT_AS_INT 
           | AccessRight.READ_AS_INT;
        int permObsolete = AccessRight.READ_ACL_AS_INT | AccessRight.READ_AS_INT 
           | AccessRight.DELETE_AS_INT;
   // Create security templates.
   VersioningSecurityTemplate vst1 = Factory.VersioningSecurityTemplate.createInstance(os);
   VersioningSecurityTemplate vst2 = Factory.VersioningSecurityTemplate.createInstance(os);
   ApplicationSecurityTemplate vst3 = Factory.ApplicationSecurityTemplate.createInstance(os);
   SecurityTemplateList stl = Factory.SecurityTemplate.createList();
   vst1.set_TemplatePermissions( setPermissions("#AUTHENTICATED-USERS", permReleased) );
   vst1.set_DisplayName("Version Template for Released Object");
   vst2.set_TemplatePermissions( setPermissions("#AUTHENTICATED-USERS", permSuperseded) );
   vst2.set_DisplayName("Version Template for Superseded Object");
   vst3.set_ApplyStateID(new Id("{21a47705-d20a-4b65-938e-2ddcefa45927}") );
   vst3.set_TemplatePermissions( setPermissions("#AUTHENTICATED-USERS", permObsolete) );
   vst3.set_DisplayName("Application Template for Obsolete Objects");

   // Create the security policy.
   SecurityPolicy sp = Factory.SecurityPolicy.createInstance(os, ClassNames.SECURITY_POLICY);
   sp.set_DisplayName("Security Policy with Version and Application Templates");

C# Example

public void createSecurityObject(IObjectStore os)
   // Access rights for released, superseded, and obsolete objects
        int permReleased = (int)AccessRight.READ_ACL | (int)AccessRight.CHANGE_STATE
           | (int)AccessRight.CREATE_INSTANCE | (int)AccessRight.VIEW_CONTENT
           | (int)AccessRight.MINOR_VERSION | (int)AccessRight.UNLINK
           | (int)AccessRight.LINK | (int)AccessRight.MAJOR_VERSION
           | (int)AccessRight.WRITE | (int)AccessRight.READ;
        int permSuperseded = (int)AccessRight.READ_ACL | (int)AccessRight.VIEW_CONTENT
           | (int)AccessRight.READ;
        int permObsolete = (int)AccessRight.READ_ACL| (int)AccessRight.READ
           | (int)AccessRight.DELETE;

   // Create security templates.
   IVersioningSecurityTemplate vst1 = Factory.VersioningSecurityTemplate.CreateInstance(os);
   IVersioningSecurityTemplate vst2 = Factory.VersioningSecurityTemplate.CreateInstance(os);
   IApplicationSecurityTemplate vst3 = Factory.ApplicationSecurityTemplate.CreateInstance(os);
   ISecurityTemplateList stl = Factory.SecurityTemplate.CreateList();
   vst1.ApplyStateID = VersionStatusId.RELEASED;
   vst1.TemplatePermissions = setPermissions("#AUTHENTICATED-USERS", permReleased);
   vst1.DisplayName = "Version Template for Released Object";
   vst1.IsEnabled = true;

   vst2.ApplyStateID = VersionStatusId.SUPERSEDED;
   vst2.TemplatePermissions = setPermissions("#AUTHENTICATED-USERS", permSuperseded);
   vst2.DisplayName = "Version Template for Superseded Object";
   vst2.IsEnabled = true;

   vst3.ApplyStateID = new Id("{21a47705-d20a-4b65-938e-2ddcefa45927}");
   vst3.TemplatePermissions = setPermissions("#AUTHENTICATED-USERS", permObsolete);
   vst3.DisplayName = "Application Template for Obsolete Objects";
   vst3.IsEnabled = true;

   // Create the security policy.
   ISecurityPolicy sp = Factory.SecurityPolicy.CreateInstance(os, ClassNames.SECURITY_POLICY);
   sp.SecurityTemplates = stl;
   sp.DisplayName = "Security Policy with Version and Application Templates";
   sp.PreserveDirectPermissions = false;

Assigning a Security Policy

The following Java and C# examples show how to assign a security policy to a class. The Id objects for the ClassDefinition and the SecurityPolicy are passed to the method, which creates the ClassDefinition and the SecurityPolicy objects. Using the helper method getPropertyDefinition (not shown), the code retrieves the class's PropertyDefinition object for SecurityPolicy, then sets it to the SecurityPolicy object.

Note that the security policy is automatically applied to new object instances of the class, but not to existing object instances of the class. You must explicitly set the security policy on the existing object instances of the class.

Java Example

public void assignSecurityPolicy(ObjectStore os, Id classId, Id securityPolicyId)
   ClassDefinition cd = Factory.ClassDefinition.fetchInstance(os, classId, null);
   SecurityPolicy sp = Factory.SecurityPolicy.getInstance(os, ClassNames.SECURITY_POLICY, securityPolicyId);
   PropertyDefinition pd = getPropertyDefinition(cd.get_PropertyDefinitions(), ClassNames.SECURITY_POLICY);

C# Example

public void assignSecurityPolicy(IObjectStore os, Id classId, Id securityPolicyId)
   IClassDefinition cd = Factory.ClassDefinition.FetchInstance(os, classId, null);
   ISecurityPolicy sp = Factory.SecurityPolicy.GetInstance(os, ClassNames.SECURITY_POLICY, securityPolicyId);
   IPropertyDefinition pd = getPropertyDefinition(cd.PropertyDefinitions, ClassNames.SECURITY_POLICY);

Applying an Application Security Template

The following Java and C# examples show how to apply an ApplicationSecurityTemplate to an object. The examples iterate a Folder object, filtering all documents that have not been modified for over one year. For the documents that meet the criterion, an application security template with delete permission is applied. The examples assume that the documents in the folder were previously assigned a SecurityPolicy containing the application security template with delete permission.

Java Example

public void applyApplicationSecurityTemplate(ObjectStore os, Id folderId)
   // Create a folder object.
   Folder folder = Factory.Folder.fetchInstance(os, folderId, null);

   // Get all documents in folder
   DocumentSet ds = folder.get_ContainedDocuments();
   // Get current date to compare against dates of documents.
   Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
   int currYear = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
   int currMonth = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
   // Iterate folder documents and check last modification date.
   // If over one year, apply ApplicationSecurityTemplate with delete permission.
   Iterator iter = ds.iterator();
   while (iter.hasNext())
       Document doc = (Document);
       Date docDate = doc.get_DateLastModified();
       if (cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) < currYear &&  cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) < currMonth )
           doc.applySecurityTemplate(new Id("{21a47705-d20a-4b65-938e-2ddcefa45927}") );

C# Example

public void applyApplicationSecurityTemplate(IObjectStore os, Id folderId)
   // Create a folder object.
   IFolder folder = Factory.Folder.FetchInstance(os, folderId, null);

   // Get all documents in folder
   IDocumentSet ds = folder.ContainedDocuments;
   // Get current date to compare against dates of documents.
   int currYear = DateTime.Now.Year;
   int currMonth = DateTime.Now.Month;
   // Iterate folder documents and check last modification date.
   // If over one year, apply ApplicationSecurityTemplate with delete permission.
   System.Collections.IEnumerator iter = ds.GetEnumerator();
   while (iter.MoveNext())
       IDocument doc = (IDocument) iter.Current;
       DateTime docDate = (DateTime) doc.DateLastModified;
       if (docDate.Year < currYear+1 && docDate.Month < currMonth+1)
           doc.ApplySecurityTemplate(new Id("{21a47705-d20a-4b65-938e-2ddcefa45927}") );

Getting Security Template Information

You can get descriptive permission information from a security template. A SecurityTemplate object includes the TemplatePermissionDescriptions property, which contains a list of AccessPermissionDescription objects, from which you can get information about access rights.

The following Java and C# examples get permission descriptions for every SecurityTemplate object contained in a SecurityPolicy object passed to the method. Iterating the list of security templates (SecurityTemplateList), the method retrieves the TemplatePermissionDescriptions property from a security template. It then iterates the AccessPermissionDescriptionList and prints information from each AccessPermissionDescription object.

Java Example

public void getSecurityTemplateInformation(ObjectStore os, Id secPolicyId)
   SecurityPolicy sp = Factory.SecurityPolicy.fetchInstance(os, secPolicyId, null );
   SecurityTemplateList stl = sp.get_SecurityTemplates();
   Iterator outerIter = stl.iterator();
   while (outerIter.hasNext())
       SecurityTemplate st = (SecurityTemplate);
       AccessPermissionDescriptionList apdl = st.get_TemplatePermissionDescriptions();
       Iterator innerIter = apdl.iterator();
       System.out.println("Security template is " + st.get_DisplayName());
       while (innerIter.hasNext())
          AccessPermissionDescription apd = (AccessPermissionDescription);
          System.out.println("Permission is " + apd.get_DescriptiveText() + "\n" + 
             "Permission type is " + apd.get_PermissionType().toString() + "\n" +
             "Access mask is " + apd.get_AccessMask()

C# Example

public void getSecurityTemplateInformation(IObjectStore os, Id secPolicyId)
   ISecurityPolicy sp = Factory.SecurityPolicy.FetchInstance(os, secPolicyId, null);
   ISecurityTemplateList stl = sp.SecurityTemplates;
   System.Collections.IEnumerator outerIter = stl.GetEnumerator();
   while (outerIter.MoveNext())
       ISecurityTemplate st = (ISecurityTemplate) outerIter.Current;
       IAccessPermissionDescriptionList apdl = st.TemplatePermissionDescriptions;
       System.Collections.IEnumerator innerIter = apdl.GetEnumerator();
       System.Console.WriteLine("Security template is " + st.DisplayName);
       while (innerIter.MoveNext())
          IAccessPermissionDescription apd = (IAccessPermissionDescription) innerIter.Current;
          System.Console.WriteLine("Permission is " + apd.DescriptiveText + "\n" + 
            "Permission type is " + apd.PermissionType.ToString() + "\n" +
            "Access mask is " + apd.AccessMask

Removing a Security Policy

You can remove a security policy from an object by setting the object's SecurityPolicy property to null. If the object is a class, you set the class's PropertyDefinition object for SecurityPolicy to null. You can also remove a security policy from an object store but only if no objects hold a reference to it.

The following Java and C# examples first show how to remove a security policy from a class, and then how to delete the security policy from an object store. Note that removing a security policy from a class does not remove the security policy from objects based on that class. Before you can delete a security policy from an object store, you must explicitly remove the security policy from every object that holds a reference to it.

Java Example

public void removeSecurityObject(Id classId, ObjectStore os)
   // Get the class from which the security object will be removed.
   ClassDefinition cd = Factory.ClassDefinition.fetchInstance(os, classId, null);
   // Get the property definition for SecurityPolicy.
   // Helper method getPropertyDefinition not shown.
   PropertyDefinition pd = getPropertyDefinition(cd.get_PropertyDefinitions(), ClassNames.SECURITY_POLICY);
   // Get the Id of the SecurityObject to be removed.
   SecurityPolicy spTarget = (SecurityPolicy) (pd.getProperties().get(PropertyNames.PROPERTY_DEFAULT_OBJECT)).getObjectValue();
   Id spTargetId = spTarget.get_Id();
   // Remove SecurityObject from the class.

   // Delete SecurityObject from the object store.
   SecurityPolicySet sps = os.get_SecurityPolicies();
   Iterator outerIter = sps.iterator();
   while (outerIter.hasNext())
      SecurityPolicy sp = (SecurityPolicy);
      if (sp.get_Id().equals(spTargetId) )

C# Example

public void removeSecurityObject(Id classId, IObjectStore os)
   // Get the class from which the security object will be removed.
   IClassDefinition cd = Factory.ClassDefinition.FetchInstance(os, classId, null);

   // Get the property definition for SecurityPolicy.
   // Helper method getPropertyDefinition not shown.
      IPropertyDefinition pd = getPropertyDefinition(cd.PropertyDefinitions, ClassNames.SECURITY_POLICY);

   // Get the Id of the SecurityObject to be removed.
   ISecurityPolicy spTarget = (ISecurityPolicy)(pd.Properties.GetProperty(PropertyNames.PROPERTY_DEFAULT_OBJECT)).GetObjectValue();
   Id spTargetId = spTarget.Id;

   // Remove SecurityObject from the class.

   // Delete SecurityObject from the object store.
   ISecurityPolicySet sps = os.SecurityPolicies;
   System.Collections.IEnumerator outerIter = sps.GetEnumerator();
   while (outerIter.MoveNext())
       ISecurityPolicy sp = (ISecurityPolicy)outerIter.Current;
       if (sp.Id.Equals(spTargetId))

Last updated: October 2015

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2015.