IBM FileNet P8, Version 5.2.1            

Deployment operation files

Deployment operation files are XML files that you can create to run FileNet® Deployment Manager operations from the command-line interface.

For a list of deployment operations that can be completed by using deployment operation files, see Deployment operations.

Deployment operation files and the FileNet Deployment Manager graphical user interface

Start of changeTo better understand deployment operation files and how they are used to run FileNet Deployment Manager operations from the command-line interface, it helps to understand what happens in the background when deployment operations are completed by using the graphical user interface. When certain deployment operations are done from the FileNet Deployment Manager graphical user interface, FileNet Deployment Manager records the details of the operation in a deployment operation XML file and names the file DeploymentOperation.xml. Each occurrence of these operations generates its own DeploymentOperation.xml file. These files provide a historical reference that you can use to view the details for one instance of a deployment operation.End of change

Start of changeAlthough these deployment operation files share the file name, FileNet Deployment Manager maintains their uniqueness by storing them in time-stamped subfolders in the Temp directory of the deployment tree. For example, a DeploymentOperation.xml file that is created for an operation that occurred at 3:30 p.m. on 14 May 2014 is placed in a subfolder that is named Run.2014. The path to this deployment operation file is deployment_tree/Temp/Run.2014., where deployment_tree is the path for the deployment tree. For more information about deployment trees, see Deployment trees in FileNet Deployment Manager.End of change

Deployment operation files and the FileNet Deployment Manager command-line interface

The FileNet Deployment Manager command-line interface uses a deployment operation file as input to initiate and complete a deployment operation task.

In the command-line interface, each deployment operation is initiated by the --operation custom_DeploymentOperation.xml argument, where custom_DeploymentOperation.xml is the name of a custom deployment operation XML file. For more information about FileNet Deployment Manager commands, see FileNet Deployment Manager command-line reference.

Use one of these options to create a custom deployment operation XML file for use by the command-line interface:
  • Generate the FileNet Deployment Manager deployment operation sample files. Use the sample file for the required operation as a template for the custom file. For more information, see Creating sample files. The sample files include the XSD schema description files that are used by FileNet Deployment Manager to ensure the validity of its input files.
  • Find the DeploymentOperation.xml files that are generated by the graphical user interface. Use a DeploymentOperation.xml file for the required operation as a template for the custom file. You can find individual deployment operation files in time-stamped folders in the deployment_tree/Temp/ path that is used by the FileNet Deployment Manager graphical user interface.

Deployment operations

The following table lists each of the deployment operations and the contents of the associated deployment operation XML files.

Deployment operation File content
RetrievePrincipalInfoFromDomain <DeploymentOperation deploymentTreeLocation="deployment_tree_location_name" version="version_number"> <RetrievePrincipalInfoFromDomain mode="mode_type"> <Environment>environment_name</Environment> <LDAPDataSource> <Filter type="filter_value" /> <Realms> <Realm>dc=realm_name,dc=realm_name,dc=realm_name</Realm> </Realms> </LDAPDataSource> </RetrievePrincipalInfoFromDomain> </DeploymentOperation>
RetrievePrincipalInfoFromDeployDataSet <DeploymentOperation deploymentTreeLocation="deployment_tree_location_name" version="version_number"> <RetrievePrincipalInfoFromDeployDataSet mode="mode_type"> <Environment>environment_name</Environment> <DeployDataSet>deploy_data_path</DeployDataSet> </RetrievePrincipalInfoFromDeployDataSet> </DeploymentOperation>
RetrieveObjectStoreInfoFromDomain <DeploymentOperation deploymentTreeLocation="deployment_tree_location_name" version="version_number"> <RetrieveObjectStoreInfoFromDomain mode="mode_type"><Environment>environment_name</Environment> </RetrieveObjectStoreInfoFromDomain> </DeploymentOperation>
RetrieveObjectStoreInfoFromDeployDataSet <DeploymentOperation deploymentTreeLocation="deployment_tree_location_name" version="version_number"> <RetrieveObjectStoreInfoFromDeployDataSet mode="mode_type"> <Environment>environment_name</Environment> <DeployDataSet>deploy_data_path</DeployDataSet> </RetrieveObjectStoreInfoFromDeployDataSet> </DeploymentOperation>
RetrieveServiceInfoFromDeployDataSet <DeploymentOperation deploymentTreeLocation="deployment_tree_location_name" version="version_number"> <RetrieveServiceInfoFromDeployDataSet mode="mode_type"> <Environment>environment_name</Environment> <DeployDataSet>deploy_data_path</DeployDataSet> </RetrieveServiceInfoFromDeployDataSet> </DeploymentOperation>
RetrieveInfoFromEnvironment <DeploymentOperation deploymentTreeLocation="deployment_tree_location_name" version="version_number"> <RetrieveInfoFromEnvironment mode="value" type="Service"> <SourceEnvironment>source_environment_name</SourceEnvironment> <DestinationEnvironment>destination_environment_name</DestinationEnvironment> </RetrieveInfoFromEnvironment> </DeploymentOperation>
CreateEnvironment <DeploymentOperation deploymentTreeLocation="deployment_tree_location_name" version="version_number"> <CreateEnvironment testConnection="value" storePassword="value"> <Name>environment_name</Name> <Connection> <Type>connection_type</Type> <ApplicationServer>application_server_name</ApplicationServer> <Server>server_name</Server> <Port>port_number</Port> <Path>path_name</Path> <UserName>user_name</UserName> </Connection> </CreateEnvironment> </DeploymentOperation>
ReassignObjectStore <DeploymentOperation deploymentTreeLocation="deployment_tree_location_name" version="version_number"> <ReassignObjectStore> <SourceEnvironment> <Name>environment_name</Name> </SourceEnvironment><DestinationEnvironment> <Name>environment_name</Name> </DestinationEnvironment> <SourceObjectStores> <ObjectStore>object_store_name_1</ObjectStore> <ObjectStore>object_store_name_2</ObjectStore> ... </SourceObjectStores> </ReassignObjectStore> </DeploymentOperation>
MapData <DeploymentOperation deploymentTreeLocation="deployment_tree_location_name" version="version_number"> <MapData type="type"> <Pair>pair_name</Pair> </MapData> </DeploymentOperation>
ConvertDeployDataSet <DeploymentOperation deploymentTreeLocation="deployment_tree_location_name" version="version_number"> <ConverttDeployDataSet deleteDestinationFilesOnError="value"> <Pair>pair_name</Pair> <SourceDeployDataset>source_deploy_dataset_path</SourceDeployDataset> <ConvertedDeployDataset>converted_deploy_dataset_path</ConvertedDeployDataSet> </ConvertDeployDataset> </DeploymentOperation>
AnalyzeDeployDataSet <DeploymentOperation deploymentTreeLocation="deployment_tree_location_name" version="version_number"> <AnalyzeDeployDataSet analysisFailuresLimit="number" deleteAnalysisResultsFileOnError="value" importUpdateOption="option_value"> <Pair>pair_name</Pair> <DeployDataSet>deploy_dataset_name</DeployDataSet> <ValidationOutput generateDetailedReport="value"> <AnalysisReportFileName>analysis_report_filename</AnalysisReportFileName> </ValidationOutput> </AnalyzeDeployDataSet> </DeploymentOperation>
ExportDeployDataSet <DeploymentOperation deploymentTreeLocation="deployment_tree_location_name" version="version_number"> <ValidateDeployDataSet deleteDestinationFilesOnError="value"> <Environment>environment_name</Environment> <ExportManifest>export_manifest_filename_path</ExportManifest> <DeployDataSet>deploy_dataset_name</DeployDataSet> </ValidateDeployDataSet> </DeploymentOperation>
ImportDeployDataSet <DeploymentOperation deploymentTreeLocation="deployment_tree_location_name" version="version_number"> <ImportDeployDataSet> <Environment>environment_name</Environment> <DeployDataSet>deploy_dataset_name</DeployDataSet> <OptionSetPath>option_set_file</OptionSetPath> </ImportDeployDataSet> </DeploymentOperation>
CreateDeployPackage <DeploymentOperation deploymentTreeLocation="deployment_tree_location_name" version="version_number"> <CreateDeployPackage overwritePackage="value" includeHalf-Maps="value"> <Environment>environment_name</Environment> <DeployDataSet>deploy_dataset_name</DeployDataSet> <DeployPackage>deploy_zip_name</DeployPackage> </CreateDeployPackage> </DeploymentOperation>
ExpandDeployPackage <DeploymentOperation deploymentTreeLocation="deployment_tree_location_name" version="version_number"> <ExpandDeployPackage createEnvironment="value" halfMapMode="mode_value"> <Environment>environment_name</Environment> <DeployDataSet>deploy_dataset_name</DeployDataSet> <DeployPackage>deploy_zip_name</DeployPackage> </ExpandDeployPackage> </DeploymentOperation>
GenerateAuditReport <DeploymentOperation deploymentTreeLocation="deployment_tree_location_name" version="version_number"> <GenerateAuditReport> <AuditFile>audit_file_path</AuditFile> <AuditReport detailed="value"> audit_report_path</AuditReport> </GenerateAuditReport> </DeploymentOperation>
UpgradeDeploymentTree <DeploymentOperation deploymentTreeLocation="deployment_tree_location_name" version="version_number"> <UpgradeDeploymentTree /> </DeploymentOperation>
RetrieveConnectionPointInfoFromDeployDataSet <DeploymentOperation deploymentTreeLocation="deployment_tree_location_name" version="version_number"> <RetrieveConnectionPointInfoFromDeployDataSet mode="mode_type"> <Environment>environment_name</Environment> <DeployDataSet>deploy_data_path</DeployDataSet> </RetrieveConnectionPointInfoFromDeployDataSet> </DeploymentOperation>
RetrieveConnectionPointInfoFromDomain <DeploymentOperation deploymentTreeLocation="deployment_tree_location_name" version="version_number"> <RetrieveConnectionPointInfoFromDomain mode="mode_type"> <Environment>environment_name</Environment> </RetrieveConnectionPointInfoFromDomain> </DeploymentOperation>

Deployment operation file details

The following table provides details about each of the deployment operation files.

Operation Operation attributes and elements Operation description
RetrievePrincipalInfoFromDomain   Retrieves security principal information from an LDAP repository by way of a FileNet P8 environment, which is based on the specified filtering. The returned information is stored in a principal half map file (either a merge or overwrite operation on any data that exists in the half map, depending on the mode attribute value).
  mode The value of the mode attribute is "merge" or "overwrite". If the mode is set to "merge", any existing half map items are retained. Values within these items are updated if an item with the same ID is retrieved from the environment. If the mode is set to "overwrite", any existing half map items are removed before items are retrieved from the environment.
  Environment Contains the folder name (not the full path) of the environment whose principal half map is updated.
  LDAPDataSource Contains the LDAP realm identification information and the filtering to be applied to the LDAP data.

The following filtering values are available:

  • None

    Retrieve data for all principals in the selected realm from the LDAP provider.

  • HalfMap

    Retrieve data only for those principals that are identified in the security principal half map for the specified environment.

  • LabelFile Retrieve data only for those principals that are identified in a specified text file, which contains the short name and (optionally) a label for each principal you want to retrieve. Use the following format: shortname, label (each entry on a separate line).
RetrievePrincipalInfoFromDeployDataSet   Retrieves security principal information from a set of objects that are exported to a deployment data set. The returned information is stored in a principal half map file (either a merge or overwrite operation on any data in the half map, depending on the Retrieve mode attribute value).
  mode The value of the mode attribute is "merge" or "overwrite". If the mode is set to "merge", any existing half map items are retained. Values within these items are updated if an item with the same ID is retrieved from the environment. If the mode is set to "overwrite", any existing half map items are removed before items are retrieved from the environment.
  Environment Contains the folder name (not the full path) of the environment whose principal half map is updated.
  DeployDataSet Contains the fully qualified path for the deployment data set.
RetrieveObjectStoreInfoFromDomain   Retrieves storage areas from a domain and displays them in a half map XML file. You can map storage areas and see results in a data map XML file. The retrieve operation uses mapped storage areas, mapped storage policies, or both when deployment data sets are converted. The operation validates and imports storage area and storage policy references.
  mode The value of the mode attribute is "true" or "false". If the mode is set to "true", the storage area or storage policy information is retrieved. If it is set to "false", the information is not retrieved.
  Environment Contains the folder name (not the full path) of the environment whose principal half map is updated.
RetrieveObjectStoreInfoFromDeployDataSet   Retrieves object store information from a deployment data set and displays them in a half map XML file. You can map and see results in a data map XML file.
  mode The value of the mode attribute is "true" or "false". If the mode is set to "true", the storage area or storage policy information is retrieved. If it is set to "false", the information is not retrieved.
  Environment Contains the folder name (not the full path) of the environment whose principal half maps are updated.
  DeployDataSet Contains the fully qualified path for the deployment data set.
RetrieveServiceInfoFromDeployDataSet   Retrieves service information from a set of objects that are exported to a deployment data set. The returned information is stored in a service half map file (either a merge or overwrite operation on any data in the half map, depending on the Retrieve mode attribute value).
  mode The value of the mode attribute is "merge" or "overwrite". If the mode is set to "merge", any existing half map items are retained. Values within these items are updated if an item with the same ID is retrieved from the environment. If the mode is set to "overwrite", existing half map items are removed before items are retrieved from the environment.
  Environment Contains the folder name (not the full path) of the environment whose principal half maps are updated.
  DeployDataSet Contains the fully qualified path for the deployment data set.
RetrieveInfoFromEnvironment   Clones the service half map from the specified source environment folder to the specified destination environment folder (either a merge or overwrite operation on any data in the half map, depending on the Retrieve mode attribute value).
  mode The value of the mode attribute is "merge" or "overwrite". If the mode is set to "merge", any existing half map items are retained. Values within these items are updated if an item with the same ID is retrieved from the environment. If the mode is set to "overwrite", any existing half map items are removed before items are retrieved from the environment.
  type The type attribute identifies the type of half map to clone. The half map type is Service.
  SourceEnvironment Contains the name (not the full path) of the source environment whose half map is cloned.
  DestinationEnvironment Contains the name (not the full path) of the destination environment where the cloned half map is written.
CreateEnvironment   Creates an environment.
  testConnection Contains either "true" or "false." A value of "true" initiates a test connection with the specified Content Platform Engine information and user credentials before the environment is saved. A value of "false" does not test the connection before the environment is saved.
Tip: A password is required if the value is "true".
The default value is "true".
  storePassword Contains either "true" or "false." A value of "true" saves the encrypted password in the environment. A value of "false" does not save the password in the environment. Users can specify the password with the command line --p password option.

The default value is "false".

  Name Contains the name of the new environment.
  Connection Contains the Content Platform Engine connection information as specified in the remaining rows.
  Type Contains the connection protocol type. The value can be http or https.
  ApplicationServer Contains the type of the application server where the Content Platform Engine server is deployed.  The value is one of the following application servers:
  • WebSphere®
  • WebLogic
  • JBoss
  Server Contains the type of the application server where the Content Platform Engine server is deployed.  The value is one of the following application servers:
  • WebSphere
  • WebLogic
  • JBoss
  Port Contains the port number for the Content Platform Engine connection.
  Path Contains the Content Platform Engine web service path.

The default value is "“wsi/FNCEWS40MTOM/".

  UserName Contains the user ID that FileNet Deployment Manager uses to log on to Content Platform Engine server.
ReassignObjectStore   Reassigns object stores from the specified source environment (source domain) to the specified destination environment (destination domain).
  SourceEnvironment Contains the source environment name where FileNet Deployment Manager logs on to during an object store reassignment.
  DestinationEnvironment Contains the destination environment name where FileNet Deployment Manager logs on to during an object store reassignment.
  SourceObjectStores Contains the object stores to reassign.
  ObjectStore Contains a symbolic name or ID of an object store that is in the source environment and is to be reassigned to the destination environment. The reassign object store deployment operation file can have more than one entry for object store.
MapData   Creates the data map of the type specified for a source-destination pair, which is based on the half maps for the source and destination environments of the pair.
  type The type attribute identifies the type of half map. The attribute is Principal, Object Store, ConnectionPoint, or Service.
  Pair Contains the name (not the full path) of a source-destination pair.
ConvertDeployDataSet   Converts a set of objects that are exported from an object store or workflow system configuration.
  deleteDestinationFilesOnError The deleteDestinationFilesOnError attribute indicates whether to delete the conversion files that are written during a failed convert operation. The default value is "true".
  Pair Contains the name (not the full path) of a source-destination pair. The pair data maps are used to convert any environment-specific information for the exported objects.
  SourceDeployDataSet Contains the fully qualified path for the Content Platform Engine deployment data set.
  ConvertedDeployDataSet Contains the fully qualified path of the directory to be used for the resulting, converted deployment data set.
AnalyzeDeployDataSet   Analyzes the converted FileNet P8 assets for a specified source-destination pair, and reports on the potential import errors in the destination environment, and the effect of the change on the destination environment.
Tip: This operation is informational only. It does not modify the destination environment.
  analysisFailuresLimit The analysisFailuresLimit attribute indicates the maximum number of failures that are detected before the Analyze operation ends. A value of zero indicates an unlimited number of failures. Default value is 100.
  deleteAnalysisResultsFileOnError The deleteAnalysisResultsFileOnError attribute indicates whether to delete the analysis results file being written when the Analyze operation encounters an exception that would cause the operation to end.
  importUpdateOption The importUpdateOption attribute indicates the action that the import operation starts if an imported object exists in the destination object store. The action that occurs is one of the following values:
  • UpdateIfNewer: Updates the object only if the instance in the import data set is newer than the one at the destination.
  • UpdateAlways: Always updates the object if it exists at the destination.
  • UpdateNotAllowed: Never updates the object if it exists at the destination.
  Pair Contains the name (not the full path) of a source-destination pair.
  DeployDataSet Contains the fully qualified path for the converted Content Platform Engine deployment data set. The converted assets for the pair are used to validate the data for import.
  ValidationOutput Contains the fully qualified path of the file to be used for the results of the analysis operation, and whether to generate a detailed or summary report. The following attributes are used for this information:
  • generateDetailedReport: An attribute with a "true" or "false" setting, where "true" indicates a detailed analysis report is generated, and "false" indicates that a summary analysis report is generated. Default value is "true". The XML report file contains both the summary and detailed data. An XSL transform is applied to present the separate reports.
  • AnalysisReportFileName: A nested element that contains the fully qualified path for the report, including the report file name.
ExportDeployDataSet   Exports the Content Platform Engine data from the specified environment, which is based on the specified export manifest file, and the deployment data set.
  deleteDestinationFilesOnError The deleteDestinationFilesOnError attribute indicates whether to delete the export files that are written during a failed export operation.
  Environment Contains the folder name (not the full path) of the environment that contains the data to export.
  ExportManifestFilePath Contains the fully qualified path for the export manifest file to use.
  DeployDataSet Contains the identifying information for the deployment data set to be created: the name to assign to the deployment data set, and the fully qualified path for the directory in which to store the deployment data set.
ImportDeployDataSet   Imports the data that is exported from the source environment. Before you import, the exported data might need to be converted by using values that are appropriate to the destination environment.
  Environment Contains the folder name (not the full path) of the destination environment, the environment into which the data is imported.
  DeployDataSet Contains the fully qualified path for the deployment data set.
  OptionSetPath Contains the fully qualified path for the import options set file, the file that contains the set of import options to use during the import. For more information about the import options set file, see Import options set files.
CreateDeployPackage   Creates a compressed deployment package from an existing deployment data set and environment half map files.
  overwritePackage A "true" or "false" setting; where "true" indicates that the new deployment package replaces an existing file, and "false" indicates that the new deployment package does not replace an existing file.
  includeHalf Maps A "true" or "false" setting; where "true" indicates that the new deployment package contains a copy of the half maps from the specified environment, and "false" indicates that the new deployment package does not contain a copy of any half maps.
  Environment If "includehalf maps" is set to "true", contains the environment that specifies where to obtain the half maps that are included in the deployment package.
  DeployDataSet Contains the path of the deployment data set folder that is included in the deployment package.
  DeployPackage Contains the path and name of the deployment package that is created.
ExpandDeployPackage   Creates a deployment data set folder from a compressed deployment package. 
  createEnvironment A "true" or "false" setting; where "true" indicates that a new environment is created when the deployment package is expanded, and "false" indicates that an existing environment is used.
  halfMapMode Contains one of three possible values that specify how the half maps that are included in the deployment package are handled:

Overwrite Replaces any half maps in the environment with the half maps from the deployment package.

Merge Merges the half maps from the deployment package with the half maps in the environment.

LeaveAsIs Keeps the existing half maps that are in the environment even if the deployment package includes a set of half maps.

Tip: When you create an environment, merge and overwrite copies the half maps from the deployment package into the new environment.


creates empty half maps for the new environment.
  Environment Contains the name of an existing environment or the name of the new environment.
  DeployDataSet Contains the path of the deployment data set folder that is created when the deployment package is expanded.
  DeployPackage Contains the path and name of the deployment package to be expanded.
GenerateAuditReport   Uses data from an audit file to create an audit report that provides detailed information about changes in the destination environment that result from the import.
  AuditFile Contains the fully qualified path that indicates which audit file to generate a report from. The audit file resides in the deployment data set directory that contains the converted objects that were used to generate the audit file.
  AuditReport Contains the fully qualified path for the audit report. By default, the GenerateAuditReport operation writes the audit report to the deployment data set directory that contains the converted objects.
  detailed Contains either "true" or "false". A value of "true" causes the report to contained a detailed accounting for each object in the audit file. A value of "false" causes the report to produce summary information only. The default value is "false".
UpgradeDeploymentTree   For a deployment tree that was created with a version of FileNet Deployment Manager that is earlier than V5.2.1, upgrades that deployment tree for use with the current version.
RetrieveConnectionPointInfoFromDeployDataSet   Retrieves connection point information from a set of objects that were exported to a deployment data set. The extracted information is stored in a connection point half map file.
  mode The value of the mode attribute is "merge" or "overwrite". If the mode is set to "merge", any existing half map items are retained. Values within these items are updated if an item with the same ID is retrieved from the environment. If the mode is set to "overwrite", any existing half map items are removed before items are retrieved from the deployment data set.
  Environment Contains the name of the source environment that contains the selected deployment data set.
  DeployDataSet Contains the fully qualified path for the deployment data set.
RetrieveConnectionPointInfoFromDomain   Retrieves the connection points from a domain. The returned information is stored in a connection point half map file.
  mode The value of the mode attribute is "merge" or "overwrite". If the mode is set to "merge", any existing half map items are retained. Values within these items are updated if an item with the same ID is retrieved from the environment. If the mode is set to "overwrite", any existing half map items are removed before items are retrieved from the environment.
  Environment Contains the name of the source environment that contains the selected deployment data set.

Deprecated deployment operations and options

The following table lists the deployment operations and options that are deprecated, and the release versions that the operations and options are associated with. Although a few operations are no longer supported, most deprecated operations and options remain available by using the old name as an alias value. Replace the operation or option with the preferred name as soon as possible.

Deprecated name Preferred name Deprecated or removed as of release
CEExport ExportDeployDataSet 5.2.1
CEImport ImportDeployDataSet 5.2.1
ConvertCEExportXML ConvertDeployDataSet 5.2.1
ConvertPEExportXML Not applicable, removed 5.2.1
RetrieveObjectStoreInfo RetrieveObjectStoreInfoFromDomain 5.2.1
RetrieveObjectStoreInfoFromCEDeployDataSet RetrieveObjectStoreInfoFromDeployDataSet 5.2.1
RetrievePrincipalInfoFromCEDeployDataSet RetrievePrincipalInfoFromDeployDataSet 5.2.1
RetrievePrincipalInfoFromLDAP RetrievePrincipalInfoFromDomain 5.2.1
RetrievePrincipalInfoFromPEConfigExportXML Not applicable, removed 5.2.1
RetrieveServiceInfoFromCEDeployDataSet RetrieveServiceInfoFromDeployDataSet 5.2.1
RetrieveServicesFromPEConfig Not applicable, removed 5.2.1
ValidateCEExportXML AnalyzeDeployDataSet 5.2.1
ValidatePEConfigData Not applicable, removed 5.2.1
AnalysisReportFileName ReportFileName 5.2.1
analysisFailuresLimit FailureLimit 5.2.1
importUpdateOption Not applicable, use import options file 5.2.1
importCreateOption Not applicable, use import options file 5.2.1
ValidationOutput Not applicable, use import options file 5.2.1

Last updated: March 2016

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