
Returns the decimal precision in the model representing real numbers with the same kind type parameter as the argument.


Inquiry function

Argument type and attributes

An INTENT(IN) REAL or COMPLEX. The actual argument corresponding to X can be scalar or array valued.

Result type and attributes

Default integer scalar.

Result value

The result is:
INT( (DIGITS(X) - 1) * LOG10(2) )
IBM extension begins Therefore,
       Type               Precision
--------------------      ---------
 real(4) , complex(4)           6
 real(8) , complex(8)          15
real(16) , complex(16)         31
IBM extension ends


IBM extension begins PRECISION (X) = INT( (24 - 1) * LOG10(2.) ) = INT(6.92 …) = 6 for X of type real(4). See Real data model. IBM extension ends