Function templates (C++ only)

A function template defines how a group of functions can be generated.

A non-template function is not related to a function template, even though the non-template function may have the same name and parameter profile as those of a specialization generated from a template. A non-template function is never considered to be a specialization of a function template.

The following example implements the quicksort algorithm with a function template named quicksort:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

template<class T> void quicksort(T a[], const int& leftarg, const int& rightarg)
  if (leftarg < rightarg) {

    T pivotvalue = a[leftarg];
    int left = leftarg - 1;
    int right = rightarg + 1;

  for(;;) {

    while (a[--right] > pivotvalue);
    while (a[++left] < pivotvalue);

    if (left >= right) break;

    T temp = a[right];
    a[right] = a[left];
    a[left] = temp;

  int pivot = right;
  quicksort(a, leftarg, pivot);
  quicksort(a, pivot + 1, rightarg);

int main(void) {
  int sortme[10];

  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    sortme[i] = rand();
    cout << sortme[i] << " ";
  cout << endl;

  quicksort<int>(sortme, 0, 10 - 1);

  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) cout << sortme[i] << "
  cout << endl;
  return 0;
The above example will have output similar to the following:
16838 5758 10113 17515 31051 5627 23010 7419 16212 4086
4086 5627 5758 7419 10113 16212 16838 17515 23010 31051
This quicksort algorithm will sort an array of type T (whose relational and assignment operators have been defined). The template function takes one template argument and three function arguments:
  • the type of the array to be sorted, T
  • the name of the array to be sorted, a
  • the lower bound of the array, leftarg
  • the upper bound of the array, rightarg
In the above example, you can also call the quicksort() template function with the following statement:
  quicksort(sortme, 0, 10 - 1);

You may omit any template argument if the compiler can deduce it by the usage and context of the template function call. In this case, the compiler deduces that sortme is an array of type int.


Template parameter packs can be a kind of template parameter for function templates, and function parameter packs can be a kind of function parameter for function templates. For more information, see Variadic templates (C++11).

You can use trailing return types for function templates, include those that have the following kinds of return types:
  • Return types depending on the types of the function arguments
  • Complicated return types
For more information, see Trailing return type (C++11).