Structures and unions

A structure contains an ordered group of data objects. Unlike the elements of an array, the data objects within a structure can have varied data types. Each data object in a structure is a member or field.

A union is an object similar to a structure except that all of its members start at the same location in memory. A union variable can represent the value of only one of its members at a time.

C++ only In C++, structures and unions are the same as classes except that their members and inheritance are public by default.

You can declare a structure or union type separately from the definition of variables of that type, as described in Structure and union type definition and Structure and union variable declarations; or you can define a structure or union data type and all variables that have that type in one statement, as described in Structure and union type and variable definitions in a single statement.

Structures and unions are subject to alignment considerations. For a complete discussion of alignment, see "Aligning data".

Structure and union type definition

A structure or union type definition contains the struct or union keyword followed by an optional identifier (the structure tag) and a brace-enclosed list of members.

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Structure or union type definition syntax


                          V                       |         

The tag_identifier gives a name to the type. If you do not provide a tag name, you must put all variable definitions that refer to the type within the declaration of the type, as described in Structure and union type and variable definitions in a single statement. Similarly, you cannot use a type qualifier with a structure or union definition; type qualifiers placed in front of the struct or union keyword can only apply to variables that are declared within the type definition.

Member declarations

The list of members provides a structure or union data type with a description of the values that can be stored in the structure or union. The definition of a member has the form of a standard variable declaration. The names of member variables must be distinct within a single structure or union, but the same member name may be used in another structure or union type that is defined within the same scope, and may even be the same as a variable, function, or type name.

A structure or union member may be of any type except:
  • any variably modified type
  • any void type
  • C a function
  • any incomplete type
Because incomplete types are not allowed as members, a structure or union type may not contain an instance of itself as a member, but is allowed to contain a pointer to an instance of itself. As a special case, the last element of a structure with more than one member may have an incomplete array type, which is called a flexible array member, as described in Flexible array members .

IBM extension As an extension to Standard C and C++ for compatibility with GNU C, XL C/C++ also allows zero-extent arrays as members of structures and unions, as described in Zero-extent array members (IBM extension).

C++ only A union member cannot be a class object that has a constructor, destructor, or overloaded copy assignment operator, nor can it be of reference type. A union member cannot be declared with the keyword static.

A member that does not represent a bit field can be qualified with either of the type qualifiers volatile or const. The result is an lvalue.

Structure members are assigned to memory addresses in increasing order, with the first component starting at the beginning address of the structure name itself. To allow proper alignment of components, padding bytes may appear between any consecutive members in the structure layout.

The storage allocated for a union is the storage required for the largest member of the union (plus any padding that is required so that the union will end at a natural boundary of its member having the most stringent requirements). All of a union's components are effectively overlaid in memory: each member of a union is allocated storage starting at the beginning of the union, and only one member can occupy the storage at a time.

Flexible array members

A flexible array member is permitted as the last element of a structure even though it has incomplete type, provided that the structure has more than one named member. A flexible array member is a C99 feature and can be used to access a variable-length object. It is declared with an empty index, as follows:

array_identifier[ ];

For example, b is a flexible array member of Foo.
struct Foo{
   int a;
   int b[];
Since a flexible array member has incomplete type, you cannot apply the sizeof operator to a flexible array.

Any structure containing a flexible array member cannot be a member of another structure or array.

IBM extension For compatibility with GNU C, XL C/C++ extends Standard C and C++, to ease the restrictions on flexible arrays and allow the following:
  • Flexible array members can be declared in any part of a structure, not just as the last member. C++ only The type of any member that follows the flexible array member must be compatible with the type of the flexible array member. C only The type of any member following the flexible array member is not required to be compatible with the type of the flexible array member; however, a warning is issued in this case.
  • Structures containing flexible array members can be members of other structures.
  • Flexible array members can be statically initialized.
In the following example:
struct Foo{
   int a;
   int b[];

struct Foo foo1 = { 55, {6, 8, 10} };
struct Foo foo2 = { 55, {15, 6, 14, 90} };
foo1 creates an array b of 3 elements, which are initialized to 6, 8, and 10; while foo2 creates an array of 4 elements, which are initialized to 15, 6, 14, and 90.

Flexible array members can only be initialized if they are contained in the outermost part of nested structures. Members of inner structures cannot be initialized. End IBM extension

Zero-extent array members (IBM extension)

A zero-extent array is an array with no dimensions. Like a flexible array member, a zero-extent array can be used to access a variable-length object. Unlike a flexible array member, a zero-extent array is not a C99 feature, but is provided for GNU C compatibility.

A zero-extent array must be explicitly declared with zero as its dimension:

Like a flexible array member, a zero-extent array can be declared in any part of a structure, not just as the last member. C++ only The type of any member that follows the zero-extent array must be compatible with the type of the zero-extent array. C only The type of any member following the zero-extent array is not required to be compatible with the type of the zero-extent array; however, a warning is issued in this case.

Unlike a flexible array member, a structure containing a zero-extent array can be a member of another array. Also, the sizeof operator can be applied to a zero-extent array; the value returned is 0.

A zero-extent array can only be statically initialized with an empty set. For example:
struct foo{
   int a;
   char b[0];
}; bar = { 100, { } };
Otherwise, it must be initialized as a dyamically-allocated array.

Zero-extent array members can only be initialized if they are contained in the outermost part of nested structures. Members of inner structures cannot be initialized.

Bit field members

Both C and C++ allow integer members to be stored into memory spaces smaller than the compiler would ordinarily allow. These space-saving structure members are called bit fields, and their width in bits can be explicitly declared. Bit fields are used in programs that must force a data structure to correspond to a fixed hardware representation and are unlikely to be portable.

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Bit field member declaration syntax


The constant_expression is a constant integer expression that indicates the field width in bits. A bit field declaration may not use either of the type qualifiers const or volatile.

C only In C99, the allowable data types for a bit field include qualified and unqualified _Bool, signed int, and unsigned int. The default integer type for a bit field is unsigned.

_Bool bit fields cannot have a width greater than 1 bit. Otherwise, an information severity message is issued to indicate this restriction.

C++ only A bit field can be any integral type or enumeration type.

The maximum bit-field length is 64 bits. To increase portability, do not use bit fields greater than 32 bits in size.

The following structure has three bit-field members kingdom, phylum, and genus, occupying 12, 6, and 2 bits respectively:
struct taxonomy {
     int kingdom : 12;
     int phylum : 6;
     int genus : 2;

When you assign a value that is out of range to a bit field, the low-order bit pattern is preserved and the appropriate bits are assigned.

The following restrictions apply to bit fields. You cannot:
  • Define an array of bit fields
  • Take the address of a bit field
  • Have a pointer to a bit field
  • Have a reference to a bit field
Bit fields are bit packed. They can cross word and byte boundaries. No padding is inserted between two (non-zero length) bitfield members. Bit padding can occur after a bit field member if the next member is a zero length bitfield or a non-bit field. Non-bit field members are aligned based on their declared type. For example, the following structure demonstrates the lack of padding between bit field members, and the insertion of padding after a bit field member that precedes a non-bit field member.
struct {
	int larry : 25;		// Bit Field: 	  offset 0 bytes and 0 bits.
	int curly : 25;	  // Bit Field: 	  offset 3 bytes and 1 bit (25 bits).
	int moe;			    // non-Bit Field: 	offset 8 bytes and 0 bits (64 bits)
} stooges;
There is no padding between larry and curly. The bit offset of curly would be 25 bits. The member moe would be aligned on the next 4 byte boundary, causing 14 bits a padding between curly and moe.

Bit fields with a length of 0 must be unnamed. Unnamed bit fields cannot be referenced or initialized.

The following example demonstrates padding, and is valid for all implementations. Suppose that an int occupies 4 bytes. The example declares the identifier kitchen to be of type struct on_off:
struct on_off {
                  unsigned light : 1;
                  unsigned toaster : 1;
                  int count;            /* 4 bytes */
                  unsigned ac : 4;
                  unsigned : 4;
                  unsigned clock : 1;
                  unsigned : 0;
                  unsigned flag : 1;
                 } kitchen ;
The structure kitchen contains eight members totalling 16 bytes. The following table describes the storage that each member occupies:
Member name Storage occupied
light 1 bit
toaster 1 bit
(padding — 30 bits) To the next int boundary
count The size of an int (4 bytes)
ac 4 bits
(unnamed field) 4 bits
clock 1 bit
(padding — 23 bits) To the next int boundary (unnamed field)
flag 1 bit
(padding — 31 bits) To the next int boundary

Structure and union variable declarations

A structure or union declaration has the same form as a definition except the declaration does not have a brace-enclosed list of members. You must declare the structure or union data type before you can define a variable having that type.

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Structure or union variable declaration syntax

   V                             |               
     +-storage_class_specifier-+    '-union--'   


The tag_identifier indicates the previously-defined data type of the structure or union.

C++ only The keyword struct is optional in structure variable declarations.

You can declare structures or unions having any storage class. The storage class specifier and any type qualifiers for the variable must appear at the beginning of the statement. Structures or unions declared with the register storage class specifier are treated as automatic variables.

The following example defines structure type address:
struct address {
    int street_no;
    char *street_name;
    char *city;
    char *prov;
    char *postal_code;
The following examples declare two structure variables of type address:
struct address perm_address;
struct address temp_address;      

Structure and union type and variable definitions in a single statement

You can define a structure (or union) type and a structure (or union) variable in one statement, by putting a declarator and an optional initializer after the variable definition. The following example defines a union data type (not named) and a union variable (named length):
union {
        float meters;
        double centimeters;
        long inches;
      } length;

Note that because this example does not name the data type, length is the only variable that can have this data type. Putting an identifier after struct or union keyword provides a name for the data type and lets you declare additional variables of this data type later in the program.

To specify a storage class specifier for the variable or variables, you must put the storage class specifier at the beginning of the statement. For example:
static struct {
                 int street_no;
                 char *street_name;
                 char *city;
                 char *prov;
                 char *postal_code;
              } perm_address, temp_address;
In this case, both perm_address and temp_address are assigned static storage.
Type qualifiers can be applied to the variable or variables declared in a type definition. Both of the following examples are valid:
volatile struct class1 {
                        char descript[20];
                        long code;
                        short complete;
                     }  file1, file2;
struct class1 {
                        char descript[20];
                        long code;
                        short complete;
                     }  volatile file1, file2;

In both cases, the structures file1 and file2 are qualified as volatile.

Access to structure and union members

Once structure or union variables have been declared, members are referenced by specifying the variable name with the dot operator (.) or a pointer with the arrow operator (->) and the member name. For example, both of the following:
perm_address.prov = "Ontario";
p_perm_address -> prov = "Ontario";
assign the string "Ontario" to the pointer prov that is in the structure perm_address.

All references to members of structures and unions, including bit fields, must be fully qualified. In the previous example, the fourth field cannot be referenced by prov alone, but only by perm_address.prov.

Anonymous unions

An anonymous union is a union without a name. It cannot be followed by a declarator. An anonymous union is not a type; it defines an unnamed object.

The member names of an anonymous union must be distinct from other names within the scope in which the union is declared. You can use member names directly in the union scope without any additional member access syntax.

For example, in the following code fragment, you can access the data members i and cptr directly because they are in the scope containing the anonymous union. Because i and cptr are union members and have the same address, you should only use one of them at a time. The assignment to the member cptr will change the value of the member i.
      void f()
      union { int i; char* cptr ; };
      /* . . . */
      i = 5;
      cptr = "string_in_union"; // overrides the value 5

C++ only An anonymous union cannot have protected or private members, and it cannot have member functions. A global or namespace anonymous union must be declared with the keyword static.