#pragma ibm snapshot


Error checking and debugging


Specifies a location at which a breakpoint can be set and defines a list of variables that can be examined when program execution reaches that location.

You can use this pragma to facilitate debugging optimized code produced by the compiler.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
                               V               |      
>>-#--pragma--ibm snapshot--(----variable_name-+--)------------><


A variable name. It must not refer to structure, class, or union members.


During a debugging session, you can place a breakpoint on the line at which the directive appears, to view the values of the named variables. When you compile with optimization and the -g option, the named variables are guaranteed to be visible to the debugger.

This pragma does not consistently preserve the contents of variables with a static storage class at high optimization levels. Variables specified in the directive should be considered read-only while being observed in the debugger, and should not be modified. Modifying these variables in the debugger may result in unpredictable behavior.


#pragma ibm snapshot(a, b, c)

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