Message severity levels and compiler response

The XL C compiler uses a multilevel classification scheme for diagnostic messages. Each level of severity is associated with a compiler response. The following table provides a key to the abbreviations for the severity levels and the associated default compiler response. You can adjust the default compiler response by using any of the following options:
Table 1. Compiler message severity levels
Letter Severity Compiler response
I Informational Compilation continues and object code is generated. The message reports conditions found during compilation.
W Warning Compilation continues and object code is generated. The message reports valid but possibly unintended conditions.
E Error Compilation continues and object code is generated. Error conditions exist that the compiler can correct, but the program might not produce the expected results.
S Severe error Compilation continues, but object code is not generated. Error conditions exist that the compiler cannot correct:
  • If the message indicates a resource limit (for example, file system full or paging space full), provide additional resources and recompile.
  • If the message indicates that different compiler options are needed, recompile using them.
  • Check for and correct any other errors reported prior to the severe error.
  • If the message indicates an internal compile-time error, the message should be reported to your IBM service representative.
U Unrecoverable error The compiler halts. An internal compile-time error has occurred. The message should be reported to your IBM service representative.
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