BPMSnapshotSourceProfile command-line utility

The BPMSnapshotSourceProfile command copies the configuration files in the source profile to a snapshot directory that will serve as the source of the profile migration.


BPMSnapshotSourceProfile [options] source_install_root source_profile_name snapshot_directory


The BPMSnapshotSourceProfile command copies the configuration files in the source profile specified by the source_install_root and source_profile_name parameters into a directory specified by the snapshot_directory parameter.
  • The snapshot directory cannot be created under the BPM installation directory.
  • If the deployment manager profile and node profile are on the same system, put the migration snapshots in separate directories.

Stop all servers and node agents associated with the profile being copied before invoking the BPMSnapshotSourceProfile command.

Note: The BPMSnapshotSourceProfile command should be invoked from the remote migration utilities/bin directory.


-trace [fine|finer|finest|all]
Use the -trace option to generate detailed trace information. The granularity of the trace generated must be specified as fine, finer, finest, or all. By default, the trace information is written to the snapshot_directory/logs/BPMSnapshotSourceProfile. timestamp.log file.
-traceFile file_name
Specify the file where the trace information is written.
-remoteMigration true
Use this option in a remote migration scenario.
-wasTraceString trace_spec
Use this option to specify the trace for the base WebSphere® Application Server migration command WASPreUpgrade to generate detailed trace information. To gather all trace information, specify:
-wasTraceString *=all
To get a trace for a specific component, specify, for example:
-wasTraceString com.ibm.ws.migration.preupgrade.*=all:com.ibm.ws.admin.*=finer
By default, the trace information is written to the snapshot_directory/logs/WASPostUpgrade.profile_nametimestamp.log file.
Provides the command usage.
This topic applies only to the Distributed platforms


Copy the configuration files for the profile named profile1 located in the BPM620 source installation root directory to the /MigrationSnapshots/ProcServer620 snapshot directory:

Copy the configuration files for the profile named profile1 located in the ProcServer620 source installation root directory to the /MigrationSnapshots/ProcServer620 snapshot directory with trace turned on:

Problem determination

Errors are logged in the snapshot directory in a file whose name begins with BPMSnapshotSourceProfile and ends with .error.

To turn on trace, use the -trace option. By default, the trace information is written to the snapshot_directory/logs/BPMSnapshotSourceProfile.timestamp.trace file. To specify an alternative trace file, use the -traceFile parameter.

The BPMSnapshotSourceProfile command script might fail when copying a profile. To prevent the BPMSnapshotSourceProfile command script from failing because too many files are open, increase the ulimit setting in the bash command shell profile.

Change the ulimit setting for the kernel in the bash shell profile script, which is loaded at login time for the session. Set the ulimit on your Linux command shells by adding the command to your shell profile script. The shell profile script is usually found under your home directory. To set the ulimit to 8192, issue the following commands:
cd ~ 
vi .bashrc 
ulimit -n 8192
Note: In order to run the ulimit command, you must have root privileges.

If the profile copying fails, check the logs to identify the problem. Fix the problem and rerun the BPMMSnapshotSourceProfile command.