Upgrading existing databases

Use the upgradeProcessData command to modify your existing database schemas and data for use with IBM® Business Process Manager V8.0.1.

If you are migrating from Teamworks® 7.0.0 or 7.0.1, this includes converting encrypted passwords to work with the encryption algorithm used by IBM BPM V8.0.1. Encrypted passwords may be stored in the database for users defined through the internal security provider, for secure web service integrations, or for Microsoft SharePoint integrations.

In addition, the upgradeProcessData command updates the following items to IBM BPM V8.0.1:


The following table lists any steps you should take before performing the database upgrade.

Current® version of IBM Business Process Manager Standard, Teamworks, or WebSphere® Lombardi Edition File system where IBM BPM 8.0.1 is to be installed Steps to take
  • Lombardi Teamworks® 7.0.0 or 7.0.1
  • WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.1.0 previously upgraded from Teamworks 7.0.0 or 7.0.1
  • WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.2.0 previously upgraded from Teamworks 7.0.0 or 7.0.1 to WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.1.0 and then upgraded to WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.2.0
Same file system as the existing Teamworks or WebSphere Lombardi Edition installation In the install_root/BPM/Lombardi/tools/upgrade/upgradeProcessData directory, modify the upgrade.properties file to set the value of the previous.lombardi.install.dir property to be your current installation directory.
Note: If this property is missing or not valid, the upgradeProcessData command is unable to migrate encrypted passwords, but can still perform other upgrade processing.
  • Lombardi Teamworks 7.0.0
  • Lombardi Teamworks 7.0.1
Different file system from the existing Teamworks installation Copy utility.jar from [Teamworks_home]/process-center/lib or [Teamworks_home]/process-server/lib in the older installation to install_root/BPM/Lombardi/process-center/lib on the file system of the new installation. In the install_root/BPM/Lombardi/tools/upgrade/upgradeProcessData directory, modify the upgrade.properties file to set the value of the previous.lombardi.install.dir to [install_dir].
  • WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.1.0 previously upgraded from Teamworks 7.0.0 or 7.0.1.
  • WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.2.0 previously upgraded from Teamworks 7.0.0 or 7.0.1 to WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.1.0 and then upgraded to WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.2.0
Different file system from the existing WebSphere Lombardi Edition installation If [Lombardi_home_710]/AppServer/lib/ext/jcrypt.jar or [Lombardi_home_720]/AppServer/lib/ext/jcrypt.jar is present in your installation, copy it to install_root/AppServer/lib/ext
  • IBM Business Process Manager Standard V7.5
  • IBM Business Process Manager Standard V7.5.0.1
  • IBM Business Process Manager Standard V7.5.1
  • IBM Business Process Manager Standard V8.0
The same file system as the existing installation or a different file system No additional steps are required.
  • IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V7.5
  • IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V7.5.0.1
  • IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V7.5.1
  • IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V8.0
The same file system as the existing installation or a different file system No additional steps are required.

To perform the database upgrade:

  1. If you are using DB2® on z/OS®, complete the following steps:
    1. IBM Business Process Manager V7.5.x to V8.0.1 upgrade: To ensure that you can successfully run the SQL files for the DB2 for z/OS schema upgrade, alter the following table spaces to increase the buffer pool size to 8K:
      • WLPT33
      • WLPT52
      For information about altering table spaces, see
    2. From the install_root/profiles/profile_name/dbscripts/ProcessServer/DB2zOS/database_name directory, obtain the upgradeSchema_ProcessServer.sql script that corresponds to the product version you are migrating from. For example, if you are migrating from IBM Business Process Manager V7.5.1.x, copy the script named upgradeSchema751_ProcessServer.sql to your working directory.

      Review the script, and, if necessary, edit the file to replace the following symbolic variables with the actual values for the schema name, database name, storage group, and buffer pool for large objects and tables: @SCHEMA@, @DB_NAME@, @STOGRP@, @BPLOB4K@, @BPTABLE4K@, and @BPTABLE8K@.

      Locate the two CREATE PROCEDURE statements in the upgradeSchema750_ProcessServer.sql or upgradeSchema751_ProcessServer.sql script, and cut and paste these statements into a new text file with a .sql extension. In this new file, also include the DB2 --#SET TERMINATOR @ control statement to set the SQL terminator to the @ character, as required for stored procedures. Save your amendments to the .sql scripts.

      Connect to the DB2 for z/OS database, and run the upgradeSchema750_ProcessServer.sql or upgradeSchema751_ProcessServer.sql script against the database by using your preferred tool. Then run the newly-created .sql script to create the stored procedures.

    3. From the install_root/profiles/profile_name/dbscripts/PerformanceDW/DB2zOS/database_name directory, obtain the upgradeSchema_PerformanceDW.sql script that corresponds to the product version you are migrating from. For example, if you are migrating from IBM Business Process Manager V7.5.1.x, copy the script named upgradeSchema751_PerformanceDW.sql to your working directory.

      Review the script, and, if necessary, edit the file to replace the following symbolic variables with the actual values for the schema name, database name, storage group, and buffer pool for large objects and tables: @SCHEMA@, @DB_NAME@, @STOGRP@, @BPLOB4K@, @BPTABLE4K@, and @BPTABLE8K@. Then connect to the DB2 for z/OS database, and run the script against the database by using your preferred tool.

    4. Go to the [IBM_BPM_home]/BPM/Lombardi/tools/upgrade/UpgradeProcessData directory and set the database.is.db2zos property to true in the upgrade.properties file. For example:
  2. Go to the [IBM_BPM_home]/BPM/Lombardi/tools/upgrade/UpgradeProcessData directory and run the upgradeProcessData command as shown in the following examples:
    Operating system Command
    Windows upgradeProcessData.bat
    Unix ./upgradeProcessData.sh

    The following parameters are available for use with the upgradeProcessData command:

    Parameter Description
    -profileName This parameter is optional and should be used if you want to run the upgrade against a profile that is different from the default profile for your environment. Specify the name of the deployment manager profile that you want to use.
    -nodeName (Required in network deployment environments) This parameter is required for network deployment environments. The upgrade command fails if you do not specify this parameter and the -serverName parameter in network deployment environments. Specify the node name of an application cluster member in your network deployment environment, which must not be running.
    -serverName (Required in network deployment environments) This parameter is required for network deployment environments. The upgrade command fails if you do not specify this parameter and the -nodeName parameter in network deployment environments. Specify the server name of an application cluster member in your network deployment environment, which must not be running.
    -perfNodeName pdw_node_name The name of any Performance Data Warehouse cluster node. This parameter is required if Performance Data Warehouse is configured on a different cluster from Process Server.
    -perfServerName pdw_server-name The name of any member of the Performance Data Warehouse cluster on the node specified by pdw_node_name. This parameter is required if Performance Data Warehouse is configured on a different cluster from Process Server.

    If Performance Data Warehouse is configured on a different cluster, for example, when using one of the "Remote Support" topology patterns, you must also supply the -perfNodeName pdw_node_name and -perfServerName pdw_server-name parameters, where pdw_node_name is the name of any Performance Data Warehouse cluster node, and pdw_server-name is the name of any member of the Performance Data Warehouse cluster on that node.

    If V8.0.1 is installed in a network deployment configuration, run the upgrade against the deployment manager profile of your network deployment environment.

    The upgradeProcessData command changes passwords saved in the database for tw_admin, tw_user, tw_author, and tw_webservice internal users with the same passwords used for the administrative user set during profile creation. For better security, reset these passwords after migration. Refer to "Changing the default administrative password."

    The utility updates existing schemas and migrates data. If you previously upgraded to WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.1.0 or WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.2.0 from Teamworks 7.0.0 or 7.0.1, the script also converts encrypted passwords to work with IBM BPM V8.0.1.

    The log file is located in the install_root/profiles/profile_name/logs directory. profile_name is the value that you specified for the -profileName parameter. If you did not specify this parameter, profile_name is the default profile name of the cell. The log file name contains the name of the tool as the prefix and the timestamp of the current time. If you set the -nodeName and -serverName parameters, these are also part of the log file name.

    Tip: After you run the upgradeProcessData command, a window will display the message SSL Signer exchange prompt, click "y". You can ignore this message.
    Warning: If you are using DB2 on z/OS, the upgradeProcessData command might fail when "Loading system data." You might see the following exception in the bootstrapProcessServerData log:
    SQLCODE=-904, SQLSTATE=57011, SQLERRMC=00C900A3
    This failure is caused by a tablespace that is in check pending status and is not available for use. To complete the upgrade manually, follow these steps:
    1. Use the following command to identify the tablespace that is under check pending status:
      Tip: For improved performance, list the tablespaces in AREO* status and use REORG to fix them.
    2. Once the tablespace has been identified, the database administrator can use the CHECK DATA utility to fix it.
    3. Run the bootstrapProcessServerData command to load the system data; the command should now complete successfully.
    4. Manually re-create the messaging engine tables for Process Server and Performance Data Warehouse.
  3. Although the upgradeProcessData command updates the System Data toolkit to IBM BPM V8.0.1, it does not automatically update existing dependencies. Update the existing dependencies by opening the Designer view in IBM Process Designer and following the steps below for each process application and toolkit:
    1. Update the System Data toolkit from the process application.
      1. Open your process application. Under Toolkits, right-click System Data toolkit.
      2. Select Change Version of dependency.
    2. Update the System Data toolkit from the custom toolkit.
      Important: If any dependencies of the custom toolkit to the System Data toolkit have been changed, all dependencies of the dependent toolkits must be updated, so that they all use the updated snapshot.
      1. Click custom toolkit and open the Manage tab. Make sure the option Allow users to update toolkit is checked.
      2. Open the custom toolkit in Process Designer. Under Toolkits, right-click System Data toolkit.
      3. Select Change Version of dependency.
      4. Create a new snapshot of the custom toolkit.
      5. Open any other process applications or custom toolkits that depend on this custom toolkit, and update them to the one that you have just created.

Upgrade tips

The items shown in the bulleted list are points of note when performing this upgrade.