Indicates this functionality was introduced in fixpack

Monitoring processes and services in the Process Admin Console

To identify performance issues with your process application, view the performance data available in the Process Monitor page of the Process Admin Console. Identify process applications that have bottlenecks, drill into the process application to identify the steps that are expensive, and learn how long it takes to run services.

Before you begin

You must log in to the Process Admin Console.

In a network deployment environment, the Process Monitor is server-specific. The monitor data is only kept in memory, and it is specific to the Java virtual machine (JVM) process. To ensure that you are looking at Process Monitor for the correct server, connect directly to the IBM BPM server http or https port, instead of connecting to a http server that might route you to any one of the underlying IBM BPM servers.

About this task


  • All monitor and instrumentations data are kept in memory and only show information about a particular cluster member. Restarting the server clears the data. To view information across different cluster members, connect to the deployment manager through a JMX console. For more information, see Monitoring MBeans with JConsole.
  • The haltProcess() and haltService() methods might not always be able to stop a process instance or service. The instance or service stops only if it is currently being run by the process and service engine, and is not stuck inside a service implementation (for example, in the middle of calling a web Service or running JavaScript).


To view the performance information for your process apps and services: