Updating the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property

In an update scenario, only the properties that are passed into the check-in operation are updated in the document. IBM BPM document properties are stored in the single CMIS property object IBM_BPM_Document_Properties. When a value is passed to the property object, the existing value for the property is overwritten. Be careful to ensure that when updating the property, only the intended updates are sent to the server.

About this task

The following example code shows how to update the value of the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property object:
// Find the ECMProperty object for the BPM document properties.  Assume that the tw.local.document 
// contains the document instance retrieved previously (by a get document operation, for example).
var bpmPropertiesEntry;
for (var j = 0; j < tw.local.document.properties.listLength; j++) { 
    if(tw.local.document.properties[j].objectTypeId == "IBM_BPM_Document_Properties"){
        bpmPropertiesEntry = tw.local.document.properties[j];

// If there is a single BPM document property, the ECMProperty value will be a string.
// This is made an instance of ECMMultiValue, which enables the update to be
// handled generically even if the number of properties eventually changes.
if(typeof bpmPropertiesEntry.value == 'string') {
    var value = bpmPropertiesEntry.value;
    bpmPropertiesEntry.value = new tw.object.ECMMultiValue();
    bpmPropertiesEntry.value.value = new tw.object.listOf.ANY();
    bpmPropertiesEntry.value.value[0] = value;
// Cycle through the properties and update them with new values.
var bpmPropValues = bpmPropertiesEntry.value;    
for (var j = 0; j < tw.local.bpmProperties.listLength; j++) { 
    var updateValue = tw.local.bpmProperties[j];
    var found = false;
    for (var i = 0; i < bpmPropValues.value.length; i++) {
        var nameValuePair = bpmPropValues.value[i].split(",");

        if(updateValue.name == nameValuePair[0]){
            // Found the property, set the new value.
            bpmPropValues.value[i] = updateValue.name + "," + updateValue.value;
            found = true; // No need to add the property
            break; // Property found, break out of the loop.

    // If the property is not found in the existing list, add it
    // to the set.
        bpmPropValues.value[bpmPropValues.value.length] = updateValue.name + "," + updateValue.value;

// Now that the properties have been updated, populate the update operation with the input

tw.local.properties = new tw.object.listOf.ECMProperty();

tw.local.properties[0] = new tw.object.ECMProperty();
tw.local.properties[0].objectTypeId = "IBM_BPM_Document_Properties";
tw.local.properties[0].value = bpmPropValues.value;