Data mapping in case operations

Each case operation requires that variables, or values in the case of input, be mapped to the input and output fields. Using the auto-map function creates variables, if required, and assigns variables of the right type to each field.

Input and output map for a create case operation

Input map:

  • Case properties: An array of key-value pairs to initialize the properties of the case. The types are generated by the Generate Types button when you build your service. The properties have an integer, float, boolean, string or datetime type. The cardinality (number of elements) of the properties is either a single element or multiple elements.

Output map:

  • Case reference: A reference to the IBM® Case Manager case. It maps to the CaseReference business object found in the System Data toolkit.
  • Return code: A return code indicating if the operation was successful.
  • Response message: A response message from the server.

Input and output map for a search case operation

Input map:

  • CMIS query: A string of text containing the Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) query.

Output map:

  • Case references: An array of IBM Case Manager CaseReference objects that match the query. They map to the CaseReference business object found in the System Data toolkit.
  • Return code: A return code indicating if the operation was successful.
  • Response message: A response message from the server.

Input and output map for a retrieve case operation

Input map:

Case reference: A reference to an IBM Case Manager case. It maps to the CaseReference business object found in the System Data toolkit.

Output map:

  • Case instance: An instance of the case type. The types are generated by the Generate Types button when you build your service.
  • Return code: A return code indicating if the operation was successful.
  • Response message: A response message from the server.

Input and output map for an update case operation

Input map:

  • Case reference: A reference to an IBM Case Manager case. It maps to the CaseReference business object found in the System Data toolkit.
  • Case properties: An array of key-value pairs to initialize the properties of the case. The types are generated by the Generate Types button when you build your service. The properties have an integer, float, boolean, string or datetime type. The cardinality (number of elements) of the properties is either a single element or multiple elements.

Output map:

  • Return code: A return code indicating if the operation was successful.
  • Response message: A response message from the server.