Adding an independent relationship between process instances by using JavaScript

Use JavaScript API to add an independent relationship between two process instances.

To add an independent relationship between the current process instance and another process instance, complete the following steps.
  1. Decide whether you want to check user's authorization.
  2. Get the instance ID of the process instance to which you want to add the relationship.
  3. Add a relationship by using the addRelatedProcess() method, which has the following signature:
    TWProcessInstance.addRelatedProcess(processInstanceId, description, checkAuthorization);
    The ID of the instance to which you want to add the relationship.
    A string that describes the relationship. To update the description, use the relationship.updateDescription() method.
    A Boolean value that the method uses to determine whether it should check the user's authorization. The default is false.

    The addRelatedProcess() method returns a Relationship object, which contains the details of the relationship.

In the following example, an authorization check is performed, and a relationship is created if the user is authorized to add a relationship:
relation = sourceInstance.addRelatedProcess(processInstanceId, "This is an independent relationship", true);