WSDL and XSD cache algorithm for web service integration

IBM® BPM Standard V8.5.6.0 applications created in IBM Process Designer cache WSDL and XSD web service files that are associated with integration services when you create the integration services or before the first time the integration services are called. The files for process applications that are created in IBM Process Designer V8.5.6.0 are cached when they are created, by default. The files for migrated process applications are cached when these applications run.

At run time, IBM BPM retrieves the files from the cache and parses the files before connecting with the web service server. Depending on how the cache is configured and the application version in which the integration service was developed, IBM BPM determines the algorithm to use.

Cache files while creating integration services

When you create an integration service in Process Designer, IBM BPM caches the files only if the following conditions are true when you develop the integration service:
  • Process Designer V8.5.6.0 was used to develop or update the integration service.
  • During the development process, the web service configuration was specified by using the Discover Scheme step for WSDL discovery.
  • The use-pre856-wsdl-cache property in the 99Local.xml or 100Custom.xml file is not set or it is set to false. The default value is false.

Cache the files before you call the integration service for the first time each time the server restarts

IBM BPM caches the WSDL and XSD files from the web service provider in the server memory before the first time the integration service is called each time the server restarts because the use-pre856-wsdl-cache property in the 99Local.xml or 100Custom.xml file is set to true.

You can change the value in the 100Custom.xml file by adding in the following code:
<common merge="mergeChildren">
    <webservices merge="mergeChildren">
        <use-pre856-wsdl-cache merge="replace">true</use-pre856-wsdl-cache>

This method is the default approach for migrated process applications.

To balance memory cost and performance, you can adjust the number of WSDL files held in the cache by changing the configuration in the 100Custom.xml file:
<common merge="mergeChildren">
      <wsdl-cache-size merge="replace">25</wsdl-cache-size>
wsdl-cache-size is the number of WSDLs held in the cache. The default value is 25.