Technology Preview

Image control

The Image control creates an area that contains an image from a web file or URL source.

When you drop an Image control onto the layout of a coach or coach view, it displays a default image. When you set the binding or the Image configuration property to point to an image file, the control displays the image when you run the human service. The Image configuration property takes precedence over the binding if both are set.

Restrictions and limitations

In the Positioning properties, you must use pixels as the unit to set the height and width of an image. You cannot use a percentage value. For example, you can set an image to be 300px wide and 200px high but you cannot set it to be 80% wide and 25% high.

Data binding

Set the data binding for the control in the General properties tab.
Table 1. Image control data binding
Binding description Data type
Contains the location of the image to be displayed by the control. Typically, you bind the control to an image stored as a web file and the URL is a relative path to retrieve the file from the server. When you bind the control to a variable, the variable must contain a URL that is resolvable on the server.
Tip: Absolute URLs are acceptable, however, relative URLs are generally a better choice in order to avoid potential security warnings.

You can use the binding or the Image configuration property to specify the image. If you use the Image configuration property, the binding is ignored. To set a different image for different screen sizes, you must use the Image configuration property.


Configuration properties

Set or modify control configuration in the Configuration properties tab.

Configuration properties that have the screen sizes icon can have different values for each screen size. If you do not set a value, the screen size inherits the value of the next larger screen size as its default value. If you are using the Process Designer desktop editor, you are setting the value for the large screen size. The other screen sizes inherit this value.

Table 2. Image control configuration properties
Configuration property Description Data type
Image screen sizes icon Contains the location of the image that the control displays. Typically, you set the control to an image stored as a web file and the URL is a relative path to retrieve the file from the server. When you set the control to a variable, the variable must contain a URL that is resolvable on the server.
Tip: Absolute URLs are acceptable, however, relative URLs are generally a better choice in order to avoid potential security warnings.

If you set the Image configuration property, the binding is ignored.

Alternate text Describe the image to make it accessible for users and technologies that cannot see the image. String
Label position screen sizes icon Set whether the label is above or below the image.

The default value is top.

Label alignment screen sizes icon Set whether the label aligns to the left side or right side of the image, or is centered.

The default value is left.
