Technology Preview

Decimal control

The Decimal control creates a field in which a user can view or enter a number value that contains decimals.


If the user types in content that is not a valid number, the bound data item is null when the user triggers a boundary event such as clicking a button. If the flow returns to the coach, the control is empty. Any other controls bound to the same data item are also empty.

Data binding

Set the data binding for the control in the General properties tab.
Table 1. Decimal control data binding
Binding description Data type
The bound data item contains a Decimal value that the control displays. The Decimal can initially be empty. If the visibility of the control is not read only, the control saves to the bound data item any number that the user enters into it. Decimal

Configuration properties

Set or modify control configuration in the Configuration properties tab.
Table 2. Decimal control configuration properties
Configuration property Description Data type
Currency If the field is for a monetary value, select an ISO 4217 currency to set the symbol and formatting for the field.

The default value is Other.

Other currency If the field is for a monetary value, specify an ISO 4217 three-letter currency code to set the symbol and formatting for the field. This applies when the currency option is set to Other. String
Currency symbol Override the currency symbol set by Currency or Other String
Hide thousands separators Select to hide the delimiters that separate thousands. For example, display ten thousand as 10000 instead of 10 000 or 10,000.

The default is not selected (False).

Decimal places Set the maximum number of decimal places to show.

The default is 2 decimal places. For no limit on the number of decimal places, set this option to a negative number.

Minimum value Set the minimum value that this field can contain.

The default is no minimum value.

Maximum value Set the maximum value that this field can contain.

The default is no maximum value.

Step size To incrementally increase or decrease the value, set how much the value changes when the user press the up or down arrow keys or clicks the spin control. Decimal