REST service providers configuration

Use this page to configure all Representational State Transfer (REST) services in the selected service provider. Enable or disable each REST service, configure a protocol, host and port, and modify the description, which describes the purpose of each REST service.

To view this administrative console page, click Services > REST services > REST service providers > name_of_provider.


This field displays the scope for the selected service provider. This field is read-only.

Provider application

This field displays the name of the selected service provider. This field is read-only.


Select either http:// or https://, which will be used to form the endpoint address for all the REST services that you enable. Configure a full URL path by selecting http:// or https:// and then setting the host and port. In an environment with a load balancer or proxy server between the browser and the Business Space and REST services, make sure that what you designate here matches the browser URL for accessing Business Space.

Host name or virtual host in a load-balanced environment

Type the host or virtual host that a client needs to communicate with the server or cluster. Use a fully qualified host name. In an environment with a load balancer or proxy server between the browser and the Business Space and REST services, make sure that what you designate here matches the browser URL for accessing Business Space.


Type the port for all REST services that you want to configure. For a load-balanced environment, designate the port number that the client needs to communicate with the cluster. In an environment with a load balancer or proxy server between the browser and the Business Space and REST services, make sure that what you designate here matches the browser URL for accessing Business Space.

Context root

This field lists the context root for the REST service provider. This field is read-only.


In the table, select the check box to enable the REST service endpoint. Clear the check box to disable the REST service endpoint.


This column in the table lists a short description of the type of REST service that you are configuring. This field is read-only.


For each endpoint in the table, modify the endpoint description, which describes the purpose of the REST service.


This column in the table lists the full URL path for the REST endpoints. This field is read-only.