Managing Monitor scheduled services

Because multiple services require recurring or scheduled execution, you can configure and use the Monitor scheduled services to control when and how often you run some services. Use the administrative console to schedule and manage services to run for a particular model.

For a particular monitor model, a single task drives the scheduled services in sequence, executing each service serially to maintain a logical order and to avoid contention in the database. You can configure the work manager thread pool to service multiple models concurrently by changing the Number of alarm threads property in the Data Services Work Manager. To access the work manager, click Resources > Asynchronous beans > Work managers > DataServicesWorkManager.

The scheduler checks for work each minute. Not all services are performed each cycle; some services have hardcoded intervals and others can be configured. For each service, you can configure intervals of minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months and then indicate the start date and time. The start date and time serve as both the effective starting date and time and the basis for when the service is executed. For example, you can schedule a service to run each day at midnight. The time is configured in the time zone of the server.

Using Monitor scheduled services, you can suspend and resume services; indicate how often to run a service; and view the status, duration, and last completion time of the scheduled service at the model or model version level. You can also assign a priority to each scheduled service.

You can view and schedule the following Monitor data services:
  • Data Movement Service - before scheduling this service, you must enable it.
  • KPI History Calculation - runs once every hour
  • KPI Prediction Calculation - runs once every hour
  • Dynamic Alert Evaluation
  • Cube Summary Table (MQT) refresh - before scheduling this service, you must enable it.
  • Cognos Cache Clearing
  • Purge and Archive Instance Data

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