Planning the number of databases for IBM BPM Advanced

The default configuration for IBM® BPM Advanced uses three databases, with the corresponding database schemas and assigned components.

  • The CellOnlyDB schema exists only in the Advanced and AdvancedOnly deployment environments, and is part of the CMNDB database by default. The CellOnlyDB schema contains the database objects for the Application scheduler (AppSched), Mediations (Meds), Relationship manager (Rels), Enterprise Service Bus Logger Mediation (ESBLogMed), and Customization (Business Rules and Selectors) components.
  • The SharedDB schema, which is also a part of the CMNDB database, contains the database objects for the Messaging (Messaging Engine), FEM (Failed Event Manager), BusinessSpace (BSpace), Business Process Choreographer (BPC), and Event Sequencing components.

In the following image, the database names are shown in blue, and the database schema names are shown in green.

This image illustrates the default database configuration for IBM BPM Advanced, which includes three databases, CMNDB, BPMDB, and PDWDB. The CMNDB database includes the SharedDB and CellOnlyDB schemas. The CellOnlyDB schema is assigned the Application scheduler (AppSched), Mediations (Meds), Relationship manager (Rels), and Enterprise Service Bus Logger Mediation (ESBLogMed), and Customization (Business Rules and Selectors) components. The SharedDB schema is assigned the Messaging, FEM (Failed Event Manager), BusinessSpace, Business Process Choreographer (BPC), and Event Sequencing components. The BPMDB database includes the ProcessServerDB schema, which is assigned the ProcessServer and EmbeddedECM components. The PDWDB database includes the PerformanceDB schema, which is assigned the Performance Data Warehouse (PDW) component.

Important: If you configure the optional Business Process Archive Manager, which allows you to move completed BPEL process instances and human tasks from the Business Process Choreographer database to a separate archive database, then you also require the BPARCDB database.

If you configured an AdvancedOnly Process Server deployment environment, the default configuration uses one database, CMNDB, with the corresponding database schemas (CellOnlyDB and SharedDB) and assigned components.

The image illustrates the default database configuration for an AdvancedOnly Process Server deployment environment, which includes one database, CMNDB. The CMNDB database includes two database schemas, CellOnlyDB, which is assigned the Application scheduler (AppSched), Mediations (Meds), Relationship manager (Rels), Enterprise Service Bus Logger Mediation (ESBLogMed), and Customization (Business Rules and Selectors) components, and SharedDB, which is assigned the Messaging, FEM (Failed Event Manager), BusinessSpace, BPC, and Event Sequencing components.