This topic applies only to the IBM Business Process Manager Advanced configuration. administrative script

Use the administrative script to deploy, undeploy, and update query tables in Business Process Choreographer. This script can also list query tables and to list the XML definition of a query table.


The following conditions must be met:
  • Run the script in the connected mode, that is, do not use the wsadmin -conntype none option.
  • Run the script on the deployment manager node.
  • Include the wsadmin -user and -password options to specify a user ID that has administrator or deployer authority.


The administrative script is in the Business Process Choreographer admin directory.
For Windows operating systeminstall_root\ProcessChoreographer\admin
For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating systeminstall_root/ProcessChoreographer/admin


     -cluster clusterName
     ( ( -deploy (qtdFile | jarFile)) |
     (-undeploy queryTableName)  |
     (-update definition (qtdFile | jarFile)) |
     (-query names -kind (composite | predefined | supplemental)) |
     (-query definition -name queryTableName))


This parameter specifies the script file to run.
-cluster clusterName
The name of the cluster where Business Process Choreographer is configured. In a multicluster setup, you must specify the application cluster because that is where Business Process Choreographer is configured.
-deploy qtdFile | jarFile
The file name, including the fully qualified path, of either the query table definition XML file to be deployed or a JAR file that contains the definitions. Use this option to deploy a query table.For Windows operating systemOn Windows, you must use either "/" or "\\\\" as the path separator. For example, to specify the file c:\temp\myQueryTable.qtd you must specify it as c:/temp/myQueryTable.qtd or c:\\\\temp\\\\myQueryTable.qtd.
-undeploy queryTableName
The name of the query table. Use this option to undeploy a query table.
-update definition qtdFile | jarFile
The file name, including the fully qualified path, of either the query table definition XML file to be updated or a JAR file that contains the definitions. Use this option to update an existing query table.For Windows operating system On Windows, you must use either "/" or "\\\\" as the path separator. For example, to specify the file c:\temp\myQueryTable.qtd you must specify it as c:/temp/myQueryTable.qtd or c:\\\\temp\\\\myQueryTable.qtd.

If a JAR file is provided, it can contain multiple QTD files and property files for each QTD file, which contain display names and descriptions. Use the Query Table Builder to export query table definitions as a JAR file.

-query names -kind | composite | predefined | supplemental
The type of query table: composite, predefined, or supplemental. Use this option to list the names of deployed query tables of a particular type.
-query definition -name queryTableName
The name of the query table, in uppercase. Use this option to list the XML definition of a deployed supplemental or composite query table.


Deploy composite and supplemental query tables:

For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating systemEnter the following command: -f -cluster myCluster -deploy sample.qtd

For Windows operating systemEnter the following command:

wsadmin -f -cluster myCluster -deploy sample.qtd

Undeploy composite and supplemental query tables:

For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating systemEnter the following command: -f -cluster myCluster -undeploy COMPANY.SAMPLE

For Windows operating systemEnter the following command:

wsadmin -f -cluster myCluster -undeploy COMPANY.SAMPLE

Update composite and supplemental query tables:

For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating systemEnter the following command: -f -cluster myCluster 
           -update definition sample_v2.qtd

For Windows operating systemEnter the following command:

wsadmin -f -cluster myCluster 
        -update definition sample_v2.qtd

Retrieve a list of query tables:

For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating systemEnter the following command: -f -cluster myCluster 
           -query names -kind composite

For Windows operating systemEnter the following command:

wsadmin -f -cluster myCluster 
        -query names -kind composite

Retrieve the XML definitions of query tables:

For Linux operating systemFor UNIX operating systemEnter the following command: -f -cluster myCluster 
           -query definition -name COMPANY.SAMPLE

For Windows operating systemEnter the following command:

wsadmin -f -cluster myCluster 
        -query definition -name COMPANY.SAMPLE