Recovering from common snapshot installation errors

If you have problems when installing a snapshot, always check the SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log files for information.


Check the following list to see whether your problem matches the common errors.
An exception is generated during the installation of library items and assets
The installation fails. Resolve this exception and try to install again.
The installation process fails to send tracking definitions to the Business Performance Data Warehouse
The installation continues, but you need to manually send the definitions after the installation is complete. See Sending tracking definitions to Performance Data Warehouse.
The installation process fails with the error: Process server does not contain sufficient capabilities to run the Process Application.
Ensure that the target Process Server supports the capability exploited by the snapshot. For example, if your process application contains Advanced Integration Services, that is, Service Component Architecture modules and dependent libraries, you can install it only on a Process Server that is configured for IBM® Business Process Manager Advanced. You must remove these artifacts before you can install on an IBM BPM Standard or IBM BPM Express Process Server.

You might receive this error if you previously opened the process application or toolkit in Integration Designer. Opening a process application or toolkit in Integration Designer enables IBM BPM Advanced capabilities in the process application; therefore, the process application or toolkit will require an IBM BPM Advanced Process Server to deploy it. Restore the process application or toolkit to IBM BPM Standard capabilities by disassociating the modules and libraries that were generated when the process application or toolkit was opened and then try to install again. For more information, see Disassociating a module or library from a process application or toolkit.

The installation service generates an exception when installing the toolkit or process application
The installation fails. Consider building your installation service to capture exceptions and roll back any changes made before the exception is generated. If you need more information on the individual steps in the installation process, see Steps in the snapshot installation process. If your installation services do not handle exceptions, you might need to manually roll back changes before attempting to reinstall. For example, if all toolkit installation services complete and then the installation service for the process application fails halfway through its execution, you might need to roll back changes resulting from partial completion of this step. The toolkit installation is complete and does not need to be run again.
The wsadmin connection times out while the BPMInstall command is running
If you are using a SOAP connection, the time required for the BPMInstall command to complete often exceeds the default SOAP timeout value. Even though the command continues to run until it completes, you might see the exception Read timed out. Edit the property in the profile_root/properties/soap.client.props file if you want to increase the timeout value to prevent this exception.

Failures to migrate data or instances do not cause the installation to fail.