Setting preferences in Process Portal

Your user profile contains your personal contact information, and preferences that you can set for working with Process Portal, and receiving notifications.

About this task

You can change the following settings in your user profile:
  • Contact information, including a photo. Your photo appears in your posts and comments.
  • Portal preferences. These preferences include settings for your working language, receiving confirmation messages when you claim a task, and receiving notifications by email or an IBM Connections notification.
  • Notification preferences. By default, you receive a notification when an event occurs that affects you, for example, a task is assigned to you, an activity is updated, or you are mentioned in a post.


  1. Click your name in the Process Portal header, and select User Profile.
  2. Make the changes to your settings and click Update to save them.


Your changes take effect immediately except for changes to the language setting. If you change your language setting, log out and log in to Process Portal for your changes to take effect.
Attention: If you select Arabic or Hebrew as your language setting, you have only limited search capabilities in the Team Performance and Process Performance dashboards.