Instance List control

Use the Instance List control to show the list of process instances and case instances for the current user. The list can be filtered according to the instance state and search criteria.

Restrictions and limitations

  • This control is not supported in Microsoft Internet Explorer 8. Support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 was deprecated in IBM® BPM V8.5.

Configuration properties

Set or modify control configuration in the Configuration properties tab.
Table 1. Instance List configuration properties
Configuration property Configuration variable Description
Height height (Integer) The height of the control in pixels. If the list exceeds the specified height, a scroll bar is shown. To show the complete list without a scroll bar, enter 0.

Default: When no value is specified, the height of the control is 600 pixels.

Initial list size initialMaxRows (Integer) The initial number of instances that are displayed in the list.

Default: When no value is specified, 25 instances are displayed.

Search filter searchFilter (String) Shows only the instances that match the specified search criteria.

Default: None

Process instances instances (List of InstanceListItem) The list of instances that are currently displayed. This is a read-only property.

Default: None

Retrieval service retrieveInstanceListService The service that retrieves the list of instances.

Default: Default Instance List Service

Selected category selectedInstanceCategory (InstanceListScope) Displays instances in the selected category. You can bind this property to a selection control, for example, the Category Selection control. Alternatively, you can set it to a static value so that the control always shows the same subset of instances, for example active instances.

Default: The first entry in the list of categories that are defined for the Define selectable categories configuration property.

Define selectable categories categories (List of InstanceListScope) Defines the set of selection categories and the order in which they appear in a user interface. A category represents a subset of instances, for example, active instances, and its sort criteria.

Default: Active, Completed

Generated selection categories categoriesSelectionList (List of NameValuePair) The subset of the selectable categories that you want to include in the user interface.

The list is generated from the value of the Define selectable categories configuration property. It consists of name-value pair objects; the name property is the display name of the category, and the value property is the category value.

You can bind this configuration property to a selection control, for example, the Category Selection control to provide tabbed selection categories at the top of the list.

Default: Active, Completed

Customizing the categories in the Instance List coach view

To customize the categories that are shown in the Instance List coach view, complete the following steps.
  1. Copy the Instance List control.
  2. Bind the selectedInstanceCategory variable to the Category Selection control.
  3. Bind the retrieveInstanceListService variable to a customized retrieval service that detects the customized categories.