removeSCMConnectivityProvider command

Use the removeSCMConnectivityProvider command to remove a Service Connectivity Management (SCM) connectivity provider.

The removeSCMConnectivityProvider removes a connectivity provider that has been named or supplied as a target object. An exception is thrown if there are still proxy gateway modules deployed to the target server or cluster representing group proxies created on this connectivity provider. The group proxies should be removed via the Service Federation Management console or, if the connectivity provider is no longer managed by the console, the proxy gateway modules should be manually removed by the IBM® Business Process Manager administrator.

Command name
Target SCMConnectivityProvider - the connectivity provider to be removed.
Removes the connectivity provider.
The removeSCMConnectivityProvider command is run using the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.
  • Locate the command that starts the wsadmin scripting client: this is found in the install_root\bin directory.
  • Run the wsadmin command.
    • If the server is not running, use the -conntype none option.
    • If you are not connecting to the default profile, use the -profileName profile_name option.
Use the following command to list all the Service Connectivity Management administrative commands.
  • Using Jacl:
    $AdminTask help SCMAdminCommands 
  • Using Jython:
Use the following command to get detailed help on a particular command.
  • Using Jacl:
    AdminTask help command_name$
  • Using Jython:



>>-wsadmin-- --removeSCMConnectivityProvider--+ -name--+----------><


The removeSCMConnectivityProvider command is run using the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client. The wsadmin scripting client is located in the install_root\bin directory.

Required parameters

-name connectivityProviderName
The name of the connectivity provider to be removed, as a string.
The connectivity provider target object.


Using Jacl:
$AdminTask removeSCMConnectivityProvider {-name myProvider}
Using Jython:
AdminTask.removeSCMConnectivityProvider('[-name myProvider]')