IBM Business Monitor event emitter factory

IBM® Business Monitor requires an event emitter factory to generate and send events. Use the wbmConfigureEventEmitterFactory command to install and configure the event emitter factory on a server or cluster. You must already have a common event infrastructure (CEI event service). (Otherwise, run the wbmDeployCEIEventService command to create one.) In the four-cluster topology, the event emitter factory is installed on the support cluster.


The wbmConfigureEventEmitterFactory command configures the event emitter factory on an existing CEI event service for sending events from IBM Business Monitor.


The following example uses Jacl to configure the event emitter factory on the CEI event service on a server.
$AdminTask wbmConfigureEventEmitterFactory {-server server1 -node xyzNode01}


The wbmConfigureEventEmitterFactory command accepts the parameters listed in the following table.
Parameter and Value Required? Description Comments
-cluster cluster_name | -server server_name -node node_name Required The cluster to configure the outbound CEI event emitter factory on, or the server and node to configure the event emitter factory on. If you specify a cluster, do not specify the server or node.

If you specify the server, you must also specify the node.