Installing a monitor model using wsadmin

You can install a version of a monitor model using the wsadmin scripting client. You can install the model using either the interactive or noninteractive scripting mode.

Before you begin

Before you begin this task, use the Monitor Model editor to generate a monitor model enterprise archive (EAR) file. Also, start the WebSphere® Application Server associated with the IBM® Business Monitor profile.

About this task

When using wsadmin to install an EAR file, you can use the install command or the installInteractive command. If you use the installInteractive command, the prompts for each task in the WebSphere Application Server installation wizard are presented. To accept the default value for a prompt, press Enter.

If you use the install command, no prompts for input are displayed. The default values are instead used to install the EAR file.

The wsadmin commands presented in this task use Jacl; however, you can use these commands as examples that you can rewrite using Jython.