Cognos database considerations for Oracle

IBM® Cognos® Business Intelligence uses the COGNOSCS (IBM Cognos BI content store) database for configuration and report specification information, and uses the MONITOR database for actual reporting data.

The IBM Cognos BI service creates tables in the IBM Cognos BI content store database the first time it is started. The database user provided for accessing the IBM Cognos BI content store database must have full access to Oracle to create tables, views, sequences, triggers, and so on. In IBM Cognos BI, you cannot specify a separate schema name; the IBM Cognos BI objects are created in the default schema and default table space of the database user. It is recommended that you create a new database user for the content store database only.
Important: Do not use the SYSTEM user for this purpose, because you do not want the IBM Cognos BI database objects to be created in the system area.

The COGNOSCS database must be used only for IBM Business Monitor data. You must not add data directly to the COGNOSCS database, or use the database with other databases to create reports against such data (combined or not with data created in IBM Business Monitor).