Access control in business process and human task applications

Business Process Choreographer, which is installed as part of the IBM® Business Process Manager installation, uses roles to determine the capabilities of the user on a production system.

The Business Process Choreographer roles are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Roles and default permissions
Roles Default permission Notes
System Administrator User names, group names, or both, entered during configuration Has access to all business processes and all operations.
System Monitor All authenticated users Has access to read operations.
JMSAPIUser User name entered during configuration All Business Process Choreographer JMS APIs are run on behalf of this single user ID.
EscalationUser User name entered during configuration Used by the human task manager to process asynchronous API calls.
AdminJobUser User name entered during configuration
Note: The user supplied must be a member of the Business Process Choreographer System Administrator role.
Administrative jobs (for example, the cleanup service or business process instance migration) are run on behalf of this single user ID.
Note: The WebClientUser role, which is associated with the Bpcexlorer.ear file, can access the Business Process Choreographer Explorer. The default permission for this role is All Authenticated.